Care Giver. The nurse helps the patient recover through the healing process. She looks after the patient carefully. By doing so, she helps the patient regain his wellbeing.
护理者 。护士在治愈过程中为患者提供帮助 。护士悉心照顾患者,并由此帮助患者重拾健康 。
Decision Maker. Before she takes any action, the nurse decides the best approach for the individual patient. These decisions can be made alone, with the patient and family or with other health care professionals.
决策者 。在采取任何行动之前,护士需要找到针对患者的最佳治疗方法 。做这些决定可以独立完成,可以和病人及家属共同完成,或者与其他保健专业人员完成 。
Protector. The nurse tries to create a safe environment. She helps to prevent the patient from injury and protects the patient from possible unfavorable effects in the treatment. The nurse should also protect the patient's human and legal rights.
保护者 。护士需要为患者创造安全的环境 。她们需要帮助患者避免受伤和治疗过程中可能产生的一些副作用 。护士还应该维护患者的人权和法定权利 。
Manager. The nurse should be responsible. She supervises other health care workers, manages the practice setting and organizes activities.
管理者 。护士需要承担责任 。她监管其他保健工作者的工作、管理治疗环境、组织康复活动 。
Rehabilitator. Illness or disability brings about changes on the part of the patient. The nurse should teach and help the patient to cope with the changes. In this way, the nurse helps the patients return to maximal functioning.
协助康复者 。疾病或残障会使病人发生变化 。护士应该指导并帮助病人应对这些变化 。护士以这种方式帮助病人实现最大程度的功能恢复 。
Comforter. The nurse cares for the patient through psychological support. The patient needs help in reaching therapeutic goals.
提供安慰者 。护士还需要通过为患者提供心理支持实现治疗目标 。
Communicator. The nurse play a very important part in promoting communication among the people. Such communication helps to meet the needs of patients, families and communities.
沟通者 。护士在促进人际沟通方面起着关键性的作用 。这种沟通有助于患者、家人以及团体的需求的到满足 。
Teacher. The nurse explains ideas and facts about health care to the patient. Attention should be made to offer individualized teaching. Teaching may be formal or informal.
指导者 。护士需要向患者解释一些理论及客观事实 。还应当注意因材施教 。指导方法可以是正式的也可以是非正式的 。