Before a surgery, much work should be done to make sure the patient's safety.
做手术之前为了确保病人份的安全有许多工作要做 。
1. Vital signs will be taken and recorded. Tell the doctor anything unusual.
第一,要检测并记录生命体征 。将任何异常情况告知医生 。
2. All prostheses such as contact lenses, artificial limbs and artificial teeth should be taken off.
第二,所有假体,例如隐形眼镜、假肢以及假牙都应该摘掉 。
The anesthetist may prefer that artificial teeth be left in place. So the nurse must consult the anesthetist on this.
麻醉师可能会希望让患者戴着假牙,所以护士必须咨询麻醉师的建议 。
3. The patient's nail polish and makeup should be removed. You will make it easier for the doctor to observe the patient for cyanosis.
第三,患者必须除去指甲油并卸妆 。这样会让医生更容易辨认病人是否患有苍白病 。
The cyanosis often shows the need for oxygen. Hairpins should also be removed because they will cause contamination
苍白病通常表明患者需要输氧 。还应当摘掉发夹等发饰,以免造成感染 。
4. The bladder should be emptied by voiding or by catheter. A full bladder could be damaged during surgery.
第四,经过排尿或者导尿清空膀胱 。膀胱内充满尿液可能会在手术过程中受损 。
5. Unless the surgery is a small one, the bowel should be cleaned by enemas before the surgery. It will prevent much discomfort after the surgery. It will also prevent contamination.
第五,术前患者需使用灌肠剂清空肠道,小手术除外 。这会避免很多术后不适症状 。还可以避免感染 。
6. Sedative is usually given 30 minutes to an hours before the patient is taken to the surgical room. It will make the anesthesia easier.
第六,镇静剂通常在患者进入手术室前30分钟到一小时内注射 。这可以让麻醉过程进行地更容易一些 。
After that, the patient should be encouraged to rest quietly. A member of the family may be allowed to stay in the room with the patient.
然后应该轻声安慰患者进入休眠状态 。手术室内有时可以允许患者的一位家属陪伴 。
7. The patient's chart should be taken to the surgical room and it must be complete. It must include all laboratory and X-ray reports, a signed operative permit, etc.
第七,患者的病历表应该带入手术室,并且表格需要完整 。上面必须包括所有的化验和X光检查报告以及一份签名的手术许可等等 。
Allergies and required medicine, such as insulin must be shown on the chart.
过敏原和所需药物,如胰岛素,也应在表格中注明 。