Special postoperative care will be required in certain types of surgery, which is not essential in other types of surgery.
几种特定类型的手术需要术后特别护理,而这对其他类型的手术并非必需 。
There are, however, certain procedures and precautions that apply to all patients who have had surgery.
然而,对于动过手术之后的所有患者来说一些措施和注意事项是必须的 。
Even the simplest surgical procedure is dangerous to the patient.
即使是再微小的手术对于患者来说也是具有危险性的 。
The time of greatest danger is immediately after surgery. when all the body systems are recovering from the stress caused by the surgery, the anesthetic and medications that may have been given to relax muscles or to make the anesthetic more effective.
手术结束的那一刻也是风险最高的时刻 。这是这个机体系统从手术造成的压力中恢复过来,刚刚从麻醉剂以及其他用于放松肌肉和加大麻醉效果的药物的药效中解脱出来 。
Immediately following surgery, the anesthesiologist or nurse wheels the patients to the recovery room.
手术之后,麻醉师或护士会立即将患者送入恢复室 。
This unit is a part of the surgical suite.
恢复室是手术间的一部分 。
Here, patients are observed for their progress in their recovery from the effects of anesthesia and return to consciousness.
在这里,医护人员会对患者的恢复过程——麻醉剂药效逐渐消失至患者恢复意识——进行观察 。
The patients are watched closely and monitored carefully at short intervals.
医护人员会对患者进行短时间间隔的紧密观察和监控 。
Patients in the recovery room lie on stretchers rather than beds for ease in moving them from the recovery room to their wards.
在恢复室患者被放在带轮担架上,而不是床上,这样便于将患者从恢复室转移到病房 。
Each patient unit in the recovery room is fitted with oxygen and suction equipment and resuscitation equipment is close by.
恢复室内每位患者床位附近都配备有氧气罐、呼吸装置和复苏设备 。
Upon arrival in the recovery room, some patients still have an endotracheal tube in place to facilitate adequate respirations.
为确保患者呼吸充足,在抵达恢复室之后一些患者仍不能拔出气管内导管 。
The patients usually reject the endotracheal tube as they resume consciousness.
再回复知觉之后病患通常拒绝再使用气管内导管 。
In the recovery room,
extra intravenous lines may be in place for delivery of special fluids or blood.
可能还需要额外的静脉注射来输送特殊液体或血液 。
Patients who have undergone extremely complex or risky surgery may be taken to an intensive care unit.
接受过复杂或者高风险手术的患者可能会被送到重症监护室 。
Close monitoring of the postoperative patient continues to be a necessity when the patient has returned to their wards.
术后患者回到病房之后对其进行密切监控仍有必要 。
Freedom from complications is the appropriate nursing observations.
合理的护理观察可以让患者免于并发症 。
In most institutions, surgery automatically cancels all preoperative orders.
在大多数医疗结构,手术前处方药的服用自动暂停 。