Now it's argued that this power presents no danger in the hands of those who have used it responsibly. But as to whether or not the networks have abused the power they enjoy, let us call as our first witness, former Vice President Humphrey and the city of Chicago. According to Theodore White, television's intercutting of the film from the streets of Chicago with the "current proceedings on the floor of the convention created the most striking and false political picture of 1968 -- the nomination of a man for the American Presidency by the brutalityand violence of merciless police."If we are to believe a recent report of the House of Representative Commerce Committee, then television's presentation of the violence in the streets worked an injustice on thereputation of the Chicago police. According to the committee findings, one network inparticular presented, and I quote, a one-sided picture which in large measure exonerates the demonstrators and protestors. Film of provocations of police that was available never saw the light of day, while the film of a police response which the protestors provoked was shown to millions.Gresham's Law seems to be operating in the network news. Bad news drives out good news. The irrational is more controversial than the rational. Concurrence can no longer competewith dissent.
词语解释 。但是,不管电视新闻报道是不是愿意滥用这种力量,我们可以看看我们的第一证人,前副总统汉弗莱和芝加哥市 。根据西奥多•怀特的说法,对芝加哥街头的电视节目剪辑是现场拍摄进行的,展示的是1968年令人震惊的虚假的政治画面——美国总统候选人的提名是在残忍经常的暴力和野蛮行径中产生的 。如果我们相信最近关于众议院商务委员会的报告,那么电视所描述的芝加哥市街头暴力对该市经常的名誉是不公正的 。根据这个委员会的调查,特别指责了一家电视台,我引用其原话:一幅带有片面性的画面在很大程度上证明了抗议示威者是无罪的 。当电视上向数以百万计的观众显示警察回击愤怒的抗议者的画面时,却没有警察被激怒的镜头 。格雷沙姆法则似乎也适用于新闻报道 。坏消息能把好消息排挤出去,不合理的比合理的更受大家欢迎,赞成抵不过异议 。
1. abuse v. 滥用,辱骂
She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.
她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他 。
2. witness n. 目击者,证人
Let the witness be sworn in.
让证人宣誓作证 。
3. convention n. 大会, 协定
We are scornful of the forces of convention.
我们藐视习惯势力 。
4. violence n. 猛烈,暴力,暴行
They incited the workers to violence.
他们煽动工人暴动 。
5. merciless a. 无慈悲心的,无情的
The killer was merciless.
凶手残酷无情 。