Let's tell them that the victory to be won in the twentieth century, this portal to the Golden Age, mocks the pretensions of individual acumen and ingenuity, for it is a citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and of mistrust which do not fall before the trumpets' blast or the politicians' imprecations or even a general's baton.They are -- They are, my friends, walls that must be directly stormed by the hosts of courage, of morality, and of vision, standing shoulder to shoulder, unafraid of ugly truth, contemptuous of lies, half truths, circuses, and demagoguery.
The people are wise, wiser than the Republicans think. And the Democratic Party is the people's Party -- not the labor Party, not the farmers' Party, not the employers' Party -- it is the Party of no one because it is the Party of everyone.
我要告诉他们,20世纪将要取得的胜利是通向鼎盛时期的大门,它会挫败个人雕虫小技的虚伪 。这个将要取得的胜利是被无知和怀疑的厚厚的城墙所包围的城堡,冲锋号角,政治家的咒语或一个将军的指挥棒都不能把这厚厚的城墙摧毁 。朋友们,要想摧毁这厚厚的城墙,我们就必须有强大的勇气,高尚的品德,敏锐的观察力,我们要并肩战斗,不畏谣言,我们要蔑视谎言,似是而非的陈述,无谓的争吵和各种挑拨离间 。人民的智慧是无穷的,他们比共和党人更有智慧 。民主党是人民的党——不是工人党,不是农民党,也不是雇主党——它不是属于某个人的党,而是属于每个人的党 。
1. acumen n. 敏锐,聪明
Her business acumen has made her very successful.
她灵活的经商头脑使她的生意十分兴隆 。
2. ingenuity n. 心灵手巧,独创性
I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity.
我懊丧地意识到我已被他们的足智多谋所彻底挫败 。
3.trumpet n. 喇叭
The neighbours' children want to learn to play the trumpet, perish the thought!
4. baton n. 指挥棒
The conductor waved his baton, and the band started up.
指挥挥动指挥棒,乐队开始演奏起来 。
5. demagoguery n. 群众煽动
The techniques of demagoguery prevail.
蛊惑伎俩占压倒优势 。