The -- The lesson history teaches is this: If you believe you are safe, you are at risk. If you do not see this killer stalking your children, look again. There is no family or community, no race or religion, no place left in America that is safe. Until we genuinely embrace this message, we are a nation at risk.
Tonight, HIV marches resolutely toward AIDS in more than a million American homes, littering its pathway with the bodies of the young -- young men, young women, young parents, and young children. One of the families is mine. If it is true that HIV inevitably turns to AIDS, then my children will inevitably turn to orphans. My family has been a rock of support.
My 84-year-old father, who has pursued the healing of the nations, will not accept the premise that he cannot heal his daughter. My mother refuses to be broken. She still calls at midnight to tell wonderful jokes that make me laugh. Sisters and friends, and my brother Phillip, whose birthday is today, all have helped carry me over the hardest places. I am blessed, richly and deeply blessed, to have such a family.
今天晚上,艾滋病病毒侵入100多万美国家庭,其中有不少人已经发病,艾滋病病毒肆虐过的地方,留下的是小伙子,姑娘,年轻父母和儿童的尸体 。我的家庭就在这100多万个家庭之列 。如果艾滋病病毒不可避免地会导致艾滋病,那么,我的孩子不可避免地会成为孤儿 。
我的家庭一直是我的精神支柱 。我84岁高龄的父亲一直在治愈国家的创伤,他不会接受自己不能治愈女儿这一事实 。我母亲不想垮下去,她在半夜起来给我讲逗人的笑话,让我开怀大笑 。姐妹们和朋友们,我的兄弟菲利普——今天就是他的生日 。他们都帮助我度过最困难的时刻 。我受到这样一个仁爱家庭的深情祝福 。 。如果你没有看见凶手追杀你的孩子,你一定要仔细查找 。在美国,没有一个家庭或社区,没有一个种族和宗教,没有一个地方是安全的 。我们应该真正认识到,我们国家正面临危险 。
1. community n. 社区, 社会
His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.
他的妻子在那个群体中成为颇有地位的女子 。
2. religion n. 宗教, 宗教信仰
There are many religions in the world.
世界上有许多种宗教信仰 。
3. litter v. 乱丢垃圾, 弄乱
The cat dropped a litter of four kittens.
那只猫一窝产四只猫仔 。
4. inevitable a. 不可避免的, 必然发生的
You'll have to bow to the inevitable.
你将不得不向不可避免的事态低头 。
5. bless v. 保佑, 祝福, 赐福
I will bless her and give you a son by her.
我要赐福给她,让她为你生一个儿子 。