No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
我们现在预言,我们不仅要做出最大的努力来保卫我们自己,我们还将确保这种背信弃义的形式永远不会再次危及到我们 。我这样说,相信是表达了国会和人民的意志 。 。
1.premeditate v. 预先考虑,预谋
I was so fill'd with indignation at the sight, that I began now to premeditate the destruction of the next that I saw there, let them be who, or how many so ever.
见此情景,我义愤填膺 。这不禁使我重新考虑:下次再碰到他们过来干此罪恶勾当,非把他们赶尽杀绝不可,不管他们是什么部人,也不管他们来多少人 。
2.righteous a. 正直的,公正的
They were filled with righteous indignation.
他们都义愤填膺 。
3.absolute a. 纯粹的;完全的
Absolute perfection in a dictionary is rare.
绝对完美的词典是罕见的 。
4.assert v. 断言,声称
The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.
敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的 。
5. uttermost a. 最大的,最高的,极度的
I will follow him to the uttermost parts of the earth.
即便是天涯海角我也要跟随他 。