Nor is their power confined to the substantive. A raised eyebrow, an inflection of the voice, acaustic remark dropped in the middle of a broadcast can raise doubts in a million minds about the veracity of a public official or the wisdom of a Government policy. One Federal Communications Commissioner considers the powers of the networks equal to that of local, state, and Federal Governments all combined. Certainly it represents a concentration of power over American public opinion unknown in history.The American people would rightly not tolerate this concentration of power in Government. Is it not fair and relevant to question its concentration in the hands of a tiny, enclosed fraternity of privileged men elected by no one and enjoying a monopolysanctioned and licensed by Government?The views of the majority of this fraternity do not -- and I repeat, not -- represent the views of America. Now I want to make myself perfectly clear. I'm not asking for Government censorship or any other kind of censorship. I am asking whether a form of censorship already exists when the news that 40 million Americans receive each night is determined by a handful of men responsible only to their corporate employers and is filtered through a handful of commentators who admit to their own set of biases.
词语解释 。一位美国联邦通讯委员会委员认为,电视新闻报道的力量等同于地方政府,州政府和联邦政府力量的总和 。毫无疑问,电视新闻报道标志着美国公共舆论在美国历史上从未有过的集中 。美国人绝对不会容忍政府的权力集中 。电视新闻主持人封闭在一个小圈子里,没有任何人选举他们,政府许可他们拥有特权,难道责问他们的权力集中是不公正,不适当的吗?现在我把我的观点说清楚 。我不是要求政府的新闻检查制度或任何形式的检查,我要问,是否已经存在一种形式的检查,因为美国每天晚上有4000万观众受到一小撮只对他们公司老板负责的新闻从业人员的影响,这些新闻又经过一小撮时事评论员按照自己的偏好过滤 。
1. substantive a. 独立的, 真实的
Let us consider the development of intelligence across the life span as a substantive example.
让我们把智力的终身发展看作一个实际例子 。
2. concentration n. 集中,专心
The tennis players need total concentration during play.
网球运动员在比赛中需要全神贯注 。
3. fraternity n. 兄弟般的感情,手足之情
He is a member of the medical fraternity.
他在医务界工作 。
4. privilege n. 特权,荣幸
It was a privilege to work with him.
和他在一起工作是一项殊荣 。
5. censorship n. 检查制度
The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press.
新的新闻审查法目的在于剥夺新闻界的言论自由 。