But there are other questions which are inherently public in nature, which we must decide together as a nation, and where religion and religious values can and should speak to our common conscience. The issue of nuclear war is a compelling example. It is a moral issue; it will be decided by government, not by each individual; and to give any effect to the moral values of their creed, people of faith must speak directly about public policy. The Catholic bishops and the Reverend Billy Graham have every right to stand for the nuclear freeze, and Dr. Falwell has every right to stand against it.
但是,对公共生活中自然存在的问题,我们必须以国家整体的形式做出决策,宗教和宗教价值也应该提现共同的良心 。核战争就是一个例子 。它是一个道德问题,但必须由政府而不是公民个体对此做出决策;而且,有信仰的人在制定公共政策时,不能受教义道德价值的影响,必须考虑公共利益 。天主教主教和比利•格雷厄姆教士有权支持核冻结,而法维尔博士也有权反对核冻结 。
1. inherent a. 内在的,固有的
Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation.
勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色 。
2. religion n. 宗教
I'm for a more militant religion.
我赞成更富有进取心的宗教 。
3. nuclear a. 核的
Changes of nuclear mass and nuclear size cause isotope shifts.
原子核质量和大小的不同引起同位素移动 。
4. individual n. 个人
Every aspect of the interface must be considered from a stylistic point of view, not simply as individual controls or other visual elements.
界面的每个方面都必须从视图的风格考虑,而不是单个控件或其他视觉元素 。
5. freeze v. 冻结
Heat the water,otherwise it will freeze.
把水加热,否则就会结冰 。