To an Administration that would savage student loans and education at the dawn of a new technological age, we say: You fit the classic definition of a cynic; you know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.To our students and their parents, we say: We will insist on the highest standards of excellence, because the jobs of the future require skilled minds.To young Americans who may be called to our country's service, we say: We know your generation will proudly answer our country's call, as each generation before you.This past year, we remembered the bravery and sacrifice of Americans at Normandy. And we finally paid tribute -- as we should have done years ago -- to that Unknown Soldier who represents all the brave young Americans who died in Vietnam.Let no one doubt, we will defend America's security and the cause of freedom around the world. But we want a President who tells us what America's fighting for, not just what we are fighting against.
我们要对在新技术时代用残酷手段对待学生贷款和教育的政府说:你们是典型的犬儒主义者,你们知道所有物品的价格,但你们却不知道任何东西的价值 。我们要对我们的学生和学生家长们说:我们将坚持最高教育标准,因为将来的工作需要知识 。我们要对那些将应征入伍的美国年轻人说:你们这一代和你们的先辈一样,将自豪地响应国家的召唤 。我们刚举行了纪念在诺曼底登陆中勇敢的美国军人的活动 。我们刚为代表着牺牲在越南的所有勇敢的美国年轻的无名英雄题写了颂词 。我们早该做这件事了 。
1. administration n. 实施, 管理, 行政
He is responsible for the administration of justice.
他负责赏罚 。
2. savage v. 激烈抨击, 猛烈攻击
Most of the time elephants are tame but they can be very savage.
大多数时候大象很温顺,但他们也会大发野性 。
3. excellence n. 优秀, 卓越
He is the elder statesman par excellence.
他是最优秀的年长的国务活动家 。
4. generation n. 代, 产生
There is a generation gap between my parents and I.
我父母和我之间有代沟 。
5. tribute n. 贡品, 称赞
The victorious nations are demanding tribute from their former enemies.
战胜国要求战败国向其进奉贡品 。