He attacked the Thieu Government as unrepresentative; he criticized the President's speech for various deficiencies; he twice issued a call to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to debate Vietnam once again; he stated his belief that the Vietcong or North Vietnamese did not really wantmilitary take-over of South Vietnam; and he told a little anecdote about a very, very responsible fellow he had met in the North Vietnamese delegation.All in all, Mr. Harrison offered a broad range of gratuitous advice challenging and contradicting the policies outlined by the President of the United States. Where the President had issued a call for unity, Mr.Harriman was encouraging the country not to listen to him. A word about Mr. Harriman. For 10 months he was America's chief negotiator at the Paris peace talks -- a period in which the United States swapped some of the greatest military concessions in the history of warfare for an enemy agreement on the shape of the bargaining table. Like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, Mr. Harriman seems to be under some heavy compulsion to justifyhis failures to anyone who will listen. And the networks have shown themselves willing to give him all the air time he desires.
他攻击阮文绍政府缺乏代表性,批评总统的讲话有很多缺陷,他两次呼吁参议原外交委员会针对越南问题再次展开辩论,他自己断言越南人民军或北越人无意武力接管南越,他还讲了他所认识的北越代表团一个主要负责人的一件奇闻轶事 。总得来说,哈里曼先生提出了一个笼统的,无任何根据的质疑,对美国总统提出的政策横加指责 。总统呼吁全国人民团结起来,可哈里曼先生鼓动全国人民不要听总统的呼吁 。我要介绍一下哈里曼先生 。他曾担任过10个月的巴黎和谈美国代表团首席谈判代表,在他担任此职期间,美国在谈判桌上作出了巨大的军事让步 。就像科尔里奇的老水手,哈里曼先生好像是在重大心理压力下为自己的失败辩解,新闻网倒是很愿意为他提供他想要的广播时间 。
1. criticize v. 批评,挑剔
You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.
本身行为不正,则不宜批评别人 。
2. debate v. 争论,思考
Her resignation caused much public debate.
她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷 。
3.anecdote n. 轶事,奇闻
He told me some anecdote about our English teacher.
他告诉我几个关于英语老师的掌故 。
4. contradict v. 反驳
Don't contradict your father.
别和你父亲犟嘴 。
5.negotiator n. 磋商者, 交涉者
The chief negotiator keep the report secret from the rest of the government team.
主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的内容 。