For all these things I am grateful to you. But I feel no exultation, no sense of triumph. Our troubles are all ahead of us. Some will call us appeasers; others will say that we are the war Party. Some will say we are reactionary;others will say that we stand for socialism. There will beinevitable -- the inevitable cries of "throw the rascals out," "it's time for a change," and so on and so on.
We'll hear all those things and many more besides. But we will hear nothing that we have not heard before. I am not too much concerned with partisan denunciation, with epithets andabuse, because the workingman, the farmer, the thoughtful businessman, all know that they are better off than ever before, and they all know that the greatest danger to free enterprise in this country died with the Great Depression under the hammer blows of the Democratic Party.
总而言之,我要感谢你们 。但我没有春风得意的感觉,没有凯旋故里的感觉,因为我们仍困难重重 。有人会叫我们和事佬,有人会说我们是战争党,有人会叫我们反动派,有人会说我们支持社会主义,不可避免地有人会高喊:把那些恶棍扔出去!现在到了改朝换代的时候了!如此等等 。除了以上那些议论外,我们还会听到更多的议论,单位名不会听到过从未听过的议论,所有这些都是老生常谈 。我不介意党派的斥责,污蔑和诽谤,因为工人,农民,有头脑的商人都知道他们比过去大有好转,他们都知道在民主党重拳打击下的大萧条 。
1. triumph n. 凯旋,胜利
Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture.
先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化 。
2. reactionary a. 反动的,反动主义的
The reactionary classes never give up power voluntarily.
反动阶级从来不会自动放弃政权 。
3. denunciation n. 谴责
His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.
他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥 。
4. epithet n. 称号,浑名
He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets like "bloody".
他用了一大串诸如该死的之类的粗俗词语来诅咒我 。
5. hammer v. 锤打,严厉批评
The police hammered the door.
警察不停地敲门 。