To those who understand that our country cannot prosper unless we draw on the talents of all Americans, we say: We will pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
The issue is not what America can do for women, but what women can do for America.
To the Americans who will lead our country into the 21st century, we say: We will not have a Supreme Court that turns the clock back to the 19th century.
To those concerned about the strength of American and family values, as I am, I say: We are going to restore those values -- love, caring, partnership -- by including, and not excluding, those whose beliefs differ from our own. Because our own faith is strong, we will fight to preserve the freedom of faith for others.
To those working Americans who fear that banks, utilities, and large special interests have a lock on the White House, we say: Join us; let's elect the people's President; and let's have government by and for the American people again.
我们要对那些认为我们国家只有发挥美国所有人的聪明才智美国才能繁荣的人说:我们要通过《平等权利修正案》 。现在的问题不是美国能为妇女做些什么,而是妇女能为美国做些什么 。我们要对那些想领导美国进入21世纪的人说:我们不要一个把时钟拨回到19世纪的美国最高法院 。我们要对那些关心强化美国和家庭价值的人说:我们要包容而不是排斥那些与我们不同信仰的人,恢复爱,关心,友情等价值 。因为我们自己有坚定的信仰,我们也要努力维护其他人的信仰自由 。我们要对那些担心银行,公共事业公司和特殊势力集团操纵白宫的美国劳动人民说:和我们一起选出一个人民的总统,让我们重新拥有一个民有,民治,民享的政府 。
1. prosper v. 繁盛, 成功
We are bound to prosper beyond other countries.
我们肯定要比其他国家更兴旺繁荣 。
2. talent n. 天资, 人才
He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.
他既无天分也不想学习 。
3. supreme a. 最高的, 至上的
The general was girded with the supreme power.
将军被授予最高权力 。
4. preserve v. 保护, 保存
It is highly important to preserve the environment.
保护自然环境至关重要 。
5. government n. 政府, 政体
The government will garrison the coastal towns.
政府将派军驻守沿海的城镇 。