If the fear is corruption in official position, do you believe with Charles Evans Hughes that guild is personal and knows no Party? Do you doubt the power of any political leader, if he has the will too do so, to set his own house in order without his neighbors having to burn it down?
What does concern me, in common with thinking partisans of both parties, is not just winning this election but how it is won, how well we can take advantage of this great quadrennial opportunity to debate issues sensibly and soberly. I hope and pray that we Democrats, win or lose, can campaign not as a crusade to exterminate the opposing Party, as our opponents seem to prefer, but as a great opportunity to educate and elevate a people whose destiny is leadership, not alone of a rich and prosperous, contented country, as in the past, but of a world in ferment.
如果担心的是政府的腐败,那么,你们相信查尔斯·休斯所说的犯罪是个人的事情,和党无关吗?如果一个党派的领袖愿意把自己的家园看好,以免被邻居烧毁,你们还怀疑他们的权力吗?我所关心的不仅仅是赢得这次大选,而是如何赢得这次大选,我们怎么更好地利用这四年一次难得的机会,明智,认真地辩论问题,对民主党人和共和党人都是如此 。我希望并祈求:我们所有民主党人,不管输赢如何,不要以十字军消灭异己的方式去竞选,因为我们的对手看上去也设法推举出一个命中注定做领导的人—尽管那些受过良好教育的人猜更有这种机会,他不是像过去一个领导一个繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业的国家,而是领导一个动荡的世界 。
1. partisan a. 偏袒的,党派性的
Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.
即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战 。
2. quadrennial a. 连续四年的
The new edition of the US Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) presages a dramatic change in the US military strategy.
美国新的《四年防务评估报告》预示美国的军事战略将发生重大转变 。
3. exterminate v. 消灭,扑灭
This poison will exterminate the rats
这种毒药能杀灭所有的老鼠 。
4. destiny n. 命运
Destiny is sometimes cruel.
命运有时是残酷的 。
5. ferment n. 发酵,动乱
Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.
果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵 。