Now every American has a right to disagree with the President of the United States and to express publicly that disagreement. But the President of the United States has a right to communicate directly with the people who elected him, and the people of this country have the right to make up their own minds and form their own opinions about a Presidential address without having a President' s words and thoughts characterized through the prejudices of hostile critics before they can even be digested.When Winston Churchill rallied public opinion to stay the course against Hitler's Germany, he didn't have to contend with a gaggle of commentators raising doubts about whether he was reading public opinion right, or whether Britain had the stamina to see the war through. When President Kennedy rallied the nation in the Cuban missile crisis, his address to the people was not chewed over by a roundtable of critics who disparaged the course of action he'd asked America to follow.
任何一个美国人都有权表达自己的观点,有权反对美国总统的观点 。然而,美国总统有权同他的选民直接沟通,他的国民也有权对总统的演讲作出自己的判断,形成自己的观点,而不需要通过媒体对总统演讲的偏见,敌意的批评来理解总统的讲话内容 。当温斯顿•丘吉尔统一全国人民的思想坚持抗击法西斯德国时,他没必要同时评论员们对他能否正确理解民意,英国能否有能力进行这次战争的嗡嗡叫声进行斗争 。当肯尼迪总统团结全国人民处理古巴导弹危机时,他对美国全国的广播讲话没有遭到反对者的横加指责 。
1. communicate v. 传达,沟通
I like to communicate with my family.
我喜欢和我的家人沟通 。
2.prejudice n. 偏见,伤害
Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success.
她缺乏自制力对她获得成功有所影响 。
3.hostile a. 敌对的,怀敌意的
I don't like her manner -- she's very hostile.
我不喜欢她的态度--待人如仇敌 。
4. digest v. 消化,理解
This rich food doesn't digest easily.
这种油腻的食物不易消化 。
5. stamina n. 精力, 活力
The husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance.
爱斯基摩狗的体力和耐性是无双的 。