1.表述:cast sleep’s eyes(含情脉脉地看着,多情而又害羞地看着))
例句:A: Why have you bee casting sheep’s eyes at your ex-girlfriend all night long?
B: Beats me. Maybe I still have feelings for her. It is hard to get over her.
2. 表述:a wolf in sheep’s clothing(披着羊皮的狼)
例句:Laura couldn’t stop saying how wonderful the young man she met at the party was, but Sarah thought he's a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I know Ping is charming and all that, but I don't trust her. She is definitely a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Trust me on this, you don’t want to go out with Matthew. You may think he is the one, but I can tell you he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
3. 表述:follow like sheep
释义:Do what the others are doing, without thinking or deciding for themselves(盲目跟风,盲从别人,没有主见)
例句:We must always go into the whys of anything. On no account should we follow anyone like sheep.
我们对任何事情都要问一个为什么, 绝对不应盲从任何人。
You cannot do the teamwork well if you just follow your team leader like sheep.
A: Bella, look at this dress, it is so fashionable, I’d like to get one.
Bella, 看看这件衣服,非常时尚,我想去买一件。
B : In fact, I would not,because I don’t want to follow others like sheep.