1. 表述:sour grapes
释义:Something that one cannot have and so disparages as if it were never desirable. (吃不到葡萄而说葡萄酸,处于妒忌而贬低自己得不到的东西)
例句: He always mocks sports cars as being really impractical, but it's just sour grapes, if you ask me.
Of course you want to buy this expensive jacket. Criticizing it is just sour grapes, but you still really want it.
你当然想买这件昂贵的夹克, 你批判它不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸,但你还是很想吃。
He says he didn't want to marry her, that's just sour grapes.
His remarks about the skating champion are sour grapes.
2.表述:ask for the moon
释义:To make requests or demands that are extraordinary or unreasonable. (提出不寻常或不合理的要求,想做做不到的事情或是想要得不到的东西)
例句:I just asked them if we could go to lunch a little earlier, and they're acting like I'm asking for the moon!
I'm not taking out all the green jellybeans for him, he's asking for the moon!
For their fiftieth wedding anniversary, my grandparents would like a big party with all the members of the family. But they're asking for the moon because many of our relatives either live too far away or can't afford to travel. It's simply not possible for everyone to attend.
今天,我们学习了2个生动形象的雅思词汇:sour grapes,ask for the moon. Hope that you can bear them in your nind.