1.语汇:point the finger at someone
释义:If you point the finger at someone, you blame them for a mistake they have made or accuse them of doing something wrong. (指责某人,责备某人)
例句:Nobody can point the finger at us for doing anything we shouldn't have.
She'll say that she doesn't blame anyone, but I know that, in her heart, she points the finger at me.
Now, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, but someone here has been stealing food from the communal refrigerator.
All you ever do is to point the finger at me for everything. You never assume any responsibility.
2. 语汇:finger-pointing
释义:The act of blaming someone for something. (指责)
例句:During their argument, there was a lot of finger-pointing.
Whether or not the investigation succeeds, it is bound to lead to finger-pointing and backbiting.
我们今天学习了2个非常有表现力的表述法。Hope thatyoucanbearthem in your mind. 这也是雅思考试必备的词汇哦!