What's the matter with you?
I think I'm pregnant, I missed 2 periods.
我想我可能怀孕了 。我错过了两次经期 。
We would like to have your urine for a pregnancy test. Will you please give us a specimen?
我们需要你的尿液验孕 。你可以吗?
Yes, I will try.
我尽力 。
The result shows that you're pregnant. Is this your first pregnancy?
结果显示你的确怀孕了 。这是第一胎吗?
No, it's not.
不是 。
How many children have you? And how old are they?
I have 2 boys. The elder is 6 years old and the other is 2 years old.
两个儿子 。大儿子6岁,小儿子2岁 。
How long did your pregnancy last?
36 weeks and 38 weeks.
分别是36周和38周 。
Was the labor induced or did it start by itself?
By itself.
自然生产 。
How long were you in labor?
About 10 hours.
大概10个小时 。
Did you have a normal delivery or forceps operation?
I had normal deliveries.
正常生产 。
We have recorded all of your information. You should go back for a checkup every 2 weeks.
我们已经将你的所有信息进行记录了 。你需要每两周来做一次体检 。
I will, thank you.
我会的 。谢谢 。