Every person has experienced pain. Pain is a terrible sensation, stimulate a person's sensory nerve ending harmfully.
很多人有过疼痛的体验 。疼痛是一种很糟糕的感觉,它是一种具有伤害性的对人们的感觉神经末梢的刺激 。
And he would have such a terrible feeling.
会给人们造成非常糟糕的感受 。
If pain is caused by a cut finger or decay tooth, it is not surprising and can be put up with by most people.
如果仅仅是割伤手指或者牙齿腐烂造成的疼痛,这不值得大惊小怪,大部分人都可以忍受 。
If pain comes from a deadly illness, an unknown source or a serious injury, it is not expected. And it cannot be put up with.
但是如果是致命疾病造成的疼痛,或是不明原因的疼痛、重伤造成的疼痛,始料未及 。这将会难以忍受 。
A patient often overestimate the nurse's ability.
病人通常会高估护士的本领 。
He believes that the nurse can relieve his suffering.
他们相信护士可以减少他们的苦痛 。
However, the nurse cannot see or feel the patient's unique pain experience.
但是,护士无法体会到病人切身的疼痛体验 。
Many patients will be unhappy for the nurse cannot relieve their suffering completely.
很多病人因为护士无法彻底消除他们的疼痛而不开心 。
The nurse can only use interventions to minimize the pain.
护士只能采取措施缓解疼痛 。
As nurse is work with patients day and night, they know a patient's ongoing needs quite well.
因为护士日夜照顾病人,他们非常清楚病人的实时需求 。
Therefore, they are able to help to increase his comfort.
因此它们可以缓解病人的疼痛 。
The nurse has a duty to find out what is wrong with the patient and to take measures.
护士的责任包括弄清病人不舒服的原因并采取措施 。
These measures may either relieve the patient's pain, or help the patient to learn to cope with discomfort.
这些措施或者可以缓解病人的疼痛或者是帮助病人学会如何应对不适 。