The nurse uses bladder irrigations to wash away small clots and foreign material in the bladder.
护士通过膀胱冲洗清楚患者膀胱内的血块和异物 。
She instills the solution into the bladder, it has a special agent.
特工护士将溶液注入病患膀胱 。
During irrigation, the nurse should watch and record the amount, color, consistency and odor of the drainage.
冲洗过程中,护士应当注意观察排除液体的量、颜色、浓度以及气味 。
If it appears to be bloody, such as containing clots or flecks of tissue, or the odor is not that of normal urine, the nurse should tell the doctor.
如果排除液体充血,比如包含血块或者组织块,或者气味与正常尿液气味不同,护士应该告知医生 。
Open blood irrigations are done usually after urinary surgery. Its purpose is to remove clots.
泌尿外科手术之后通常采用开放式冲洗法 。目的是清楚血块 。
Because the catheter system is opened, there are more opportunities for microorganisms to get into it.
由于泌尿系统打开,微生物入侵的可能性增加 。
This open procedure is usually used when a large amount of irrigant is to be used and for repeated irrigations.
采用开放式冲洗法通常是需要使用大量清洗溶液反复清洗 。
Close bladder irrigations are most often used to instill fluid.
密闭式冲洗法通常用于注入溶液 。
For example, an antibiotic solution into the bladder for a special period of time.
比如,将抗菌溶液注入膀胱并使其在内存留一段时间 。
Continuous bladder irrigations use a close system to instill repeated irrigating solution into the bladder, usually in order to remove and prevent further clots.
膀胱持续冲洗通常是一个封闭式流程,反复往膀胱内注入溶液,目的通常是清除血块,阻止新血块的形成 。