Most people have the opportunity to be psychologically well.
大部分人拥有健康的心理 。
To achieve psychologically well-being, we need to improve certain skills and abilities.
要保持心理健康,我们需要提升一些技巧和能力 。
First of all, improving our communication.
首先,提升沟通能力 。
Before speaking, we should take time to understand what needs to be said.
说话之前,我们应该花些时间考虑一下我们应当说什么 。
For example, does the listener need information, encouragement, humour or something else?
On the other hand, we also need to be a skilled listener.
另一方面,我们还需要做一个善于倾听的人 。
While talking with others, we should listen carefully in order to hear everything and to catch the main point.
同他人交谈时,我们应该认真听对方说的话,这样我们就不会漏掉信息,也就能够抓住重点 。
We can stop, in a polite way, the speaker at certain points and ask him or her to repeat or explain the information.
某些时候我们可以礼貌地打断说话者,请他们重复或者解释一些我们没有理解的信息 。
This technique helps us to understand what the speaker really means.
这种方法能够帮助我们理解说话者的真正含义 。
Second, using humour effectively.
第二,有效地运用幽默感 。
Having a sense of humour is important for psychological wellness.
幽默感对心理健康很重要 。
To live is to have fun, so it's a good idea not to take yourself or life situations too seriously.
生活就是为了寻找乐趣,所以我们明智的做法就是不要把自己或者生活中的一些事情看得太认真 。
Try to recognize the humour in everyday situations.
努力在日常生活中寻找幽默 。
And you'll feel better about yourself.
这样自我感觉会好起来 。
If people build humour into their daily lives, they will generally feel positive and others enjoy being around them.
能够在日常生活中发现快乐的人们生活态度通常是积极地,而其他人也会愿意与他们相处 。
Finally, improving conflict management skills.
最后,提高处理矛盾的技能 。
In spite of our best efforts to avoid it, conflict regularly occurs.
尽管我们想尽办法避免矛盾,但是矛盾总是会产生 。
If a person has the ability to meet and resolve conflict, he is psychologically well.
如果一个人有能力面对并解决矛盾,那么他的心里是健康的 。
Perhaps the best conflict resolution technique is dialogue.
或许解决矛盾最好的方法是沟通 。
In this way, any exchange of facts and ideas takes place so that opinions can be advanced and weighed.
通过沟通各方都亮出自己的观点和看法以便大家沟通和权衡 。
The goal is to reach a compromise that all parties accept.
最终目的是得出让各方都满意的折中的结果 。
If we pay attention to the above mentioned, our psychological fitness will certainly be enhanced.
如果我们注意到了以上提到的几点,我们的心理健康状况一定会得以改善 。