A person's genetic makeup can influence drug metabolism. So, members of a family may be sensitive to the same medicine.
一个人的基因组成会影响其机体的药物代谢 。因此,亲人之间可能对同一种药物有敏感反应 。
Physiological factors include sex, age, body weight, nutritional status and disease states.
They all have an effect on drug actions.
都会对药效有一定的影响 。
Hormonal differences between men and women influence drug metabolism.
男女之间荷尔蒙的差异会造成药物代谢的不同 。
Children need lower drug doses than adults.
儿童的用药剂量应该小于成人 。
Aging process brings about some changes.
老化过程也会造成药物代谢变化 。
They alter the influence of drugs.
这些都会影响药效 。
The happier a person is, the higher drug dose he needs.
一个人越兴奋,他需要的药物剂量越大 。
Proper drug metabolism depends on good nutrition.
良好的药物代谢需要以良好的营养状况为前提 。
If diseases harm the function of organs responsible for normal pharmacokinetics, they also weaken drug action.
如果疾病造成负责药物动力学功能的器官受损,那么这也会影响到药效 。
Environmental conditions may influence drug actions. For example, patients taking vasodilators need lower drug dosages in warm weather.
环境因素也会影响药效 。比如服用血管舒张药药物的患者在温暖气候时服药剂量小 。
In addition, if a person is alone or isolated, he may need more pain killers than if he is in a room with other patients.
另外,一个服用止痛药的病人一个人时比和其他病人住一间病房时的服药剂量大 。
Psychological factors also affect drug actions. If a patient understands the need for a drug, and if the nurse's behavior is encouraging, the drug's effect will be improved.
心理因素同样会影响药效 。病人自己对药物需求了解和护士的鼓励都会增强药效 。