Many of a person's activities, habits and practices have potential negative effects.
人们的很多活动、习惯和行为方式都可能产生负面的影响 。
These risk factors include overeating or poor nutrition, insufficient rest and sleep, poor personal hygiene, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse and dangerous activities.
这些风险因素包括:饮食过度、营养不良、休息睡眠不足、不良个人卫生习惯、抽烟、喝酒、吸食毒品以及其他危险的活动 。
Some habits are risk factors for specific diseases.
一些习惯是某些特定疾病的风险因素 。
Any emotional stress can be a risk factor if the stress is serious or lasts for long or if the person is not able to cope well with it.
任何巨大的或者长久的人们无法排解的精神压力都可能会成为风险因素 。
In such case, emotional stress may increase the chance of illness.
因此,精神压力会加大患病的可能性 。
Emotional stress may happen with divorce, pregnancy and arguments with others.
离异、怀孕、与他人争吵可能会使人产生精神压力 。
Any long term emotional stress can be a risk factor.
人和长期的精神压力都有可能成为风险因素 。
Very often, mental health risk factors and emotional stressors are closely related.
很多时候,心理健康的风险因素与造成精神压力的因素都是密切相关的 。
Many life style events and hospital stresses are related with the risk of illnesses.
许多生活方式方面的问题以及医院方面的压力与患病的可能性息息相关 。
Their influence may differ among individuals.
但其影响可能因人而异 。
There are other sources of stresses.
还有其他因素会给人们造成压力 。
They include family problems, financial difficulties, changes in living difficulties or social activities, legal problems and so on.
其中包括家庭问题、财务困难、生活中或社交活动中的问题及变故、法律问题等等 。
Research has shown that when a person has a change of life style, there is a great risk to be ill.
调查显示,当人们的生活方式发生改变时,他们生病的可能性会很大 。