What is nursing process? It is a method for organizing and offering nursing care.
什么是护理程序?护理程序指安排、提供护理的方法 。
There are 5 steps in the nursing process.
护理程序共包括5步 。
They are assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.
分别是评估、诊断、计划、实施和评价 。
The nursing process offers an organizational structure.
护理程序有组织性和系统性 。
The structure helps the nurse to achieve the nursing purpose.
这一系统保证了护理目的的实现 。
In 1955, Ladia Hall used the term "nursing process" for the first time.
1955年,“护理程序”这个词汇首次被莉迪亚·霍尔使用 。
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Dorothy Johnson, Ida Orlando, and Ernestine Wiedenbach each put forward a 3-step nursing process.
20世纪50年代末60年代初,多萝西·约翰逊、艾达·奥兰多、欧内斯汀·威登巴赫各自提出了一个由三步组成的护理程序 。
In 1967, the teachers at the Catholic University of America divided the nursing process into 4 steps: assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation.
1967年,美国天主教大学的老师们讲护理程序分解成了四步:评估、计划、实施和评价 。
In 1970, Ruth Freeman and Janet Heinrich put forward a 6-step nursing process to community health nursing.
1970年,鲁思·弗里曼和珍妮特·海因里希提出了一种6步的社区健康护理程序 。
Also in the early 1970s, Kristine Gabbier and Mary Ann Lavin at St. Louis University School of Nursing held national conferences on the classification of nursing diagnosis.
20世纪八十年代,圣路易斯大学护理学院的克里斯廷·贾比尔和玛丽·安·拉文召开了全国性的会议讨论护理诊断的分类问题 。
At that time, nursing teachers and practicing nurses began to use the 5-step nursing process.
那时,护理学教师和护理从业人员都开始使用5步护理程序 。
Since 1973, the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, NANDA, has held national conferences on the classification of nursing diagnosis every 2 years.
自1973之后,北美护理诊断协会(NANDA)开始例行召开两年一次的护理诊断分类讨论会议 。