Health does not just mean that one is not ill.
健康不仅仅意味着不生病 。
To say what is health is difficult.
想要定义健康很困难 。
Because different people have different ideas about it.
因为不同的人对其有不同的看法 。
The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
世界卫生组织将健康定义为身体、心理以及社交方面完全健全,不仅仅是没有疾病或者虚弱的症状 。
However, this definition of health has not been fully accepted.
然而,对健康的这种定义并没有被人们完全接受 。
Some people do not think that for undeveloped countries and for poor people this definition of health is not realistic.
一些人认为这对于发展中国家或者一些穷人来说并不现实 。
According to this definition, many people there would not be considered healthy.
按照这个定义,很多人都打不到健康的标准 。
Furthermore, it is difficult to determine scientifically who is or is not healthy.
而且,要从科学的角度来判定谁是健康的谁是不健康的很难做到 。
It is also difficult to determine when a person becomes ill.
要判断一个人是否生病也很困难 。
A person's concept of health is important.
人们理解健康的概念很重要 。
For example,an adult with hypertension does have a documented disease process,
but, if the condition is being controlled with diet, exercise or medicine, the patient may feel healthy and not feel any change in functioning.
但是如果通过控制饮食、锻炼或者药物加以控制,病人可能会感觉自己是健康的,身体的机能也没有受到影响 。
Therefore, a patient's concept of health is very important to the nurse.
因此,病人对健康概念的理解对于护士来说很重要 。
It will help the nurse to reach nursing goals.
这对于护士实现护理目标有帮助 。