The vagal nerve could be stimulated during bowel elimination.
人工协助排便可能会刺激到迷走神经 。
Although it is very rare, it really happens.
这种情况发生的几率不大,但并不为零 。
It is worth attention, for it may cause cardiac arrhythmias.
需要引起注意,因为这可能导致心律失常 。
If you find that there is any sudden change in the patient's pulse, respirations, or level of consciousness during bowel elimination, you should tell the doctor at once.
如果协助排便过程中发现患者的脉搏、呼吸或者清醒程度出现突然变化,应当立即告知医生 。
Many patients have hemorrhoids. Before trying the bowel elimination, you should make sure if the patient has hemorrhoids, if he has, you should use extra lubrication and do it carefully.
很多病人可能患有痔疮 。在协助排便之前需要确定患者是否患有痔疮 。如果有,需要在操作工程中使用更多的润滑剂,并加倍小心 。
The first thing is to fill the patient's rectum with fluid.
第一步是往患者直肠注满液体 。
After that, you can put the tube into the patient's rectum. Of course, the fluid should be at room temperature.
然后是往患者直肠插管 。当然液体温度应与室温相同 。
The skin around the rectum should be kept clean.
应保持直肠周围皮肤清洁 。
You should mind your body language.
同时需要注意自己的肢体语言 。
If look at your patient in an unusual way, the patient's self-respect could suffer.
如果你表露出异样的眼神,患者可能会感到自尊心受损 。
Finally, if the patient complains about itching or burning, you should report this finding to the doctor.
最后,如果患者抱怨有痒或灼痛感,应当向医生汇报 。
By doing so, the patient will feel more comfortable.
这样,患者的不适感可能会少一些 。