What is your trouble?
I can't catch my breath.
我呼吸困难 。
Do you ever have palpitations?
Yes, occasionally.
有,偶尔 。
Are you ever aware of your heart beating fast?
Yes, my heart beat fast when I do heavy work.
有过,我工作任务重时就会心跳加快 。
Do you have any chest discomfort?
Sometimes I have chest pain. It's rather uncomfortable.
有时候会胸口疼 。很不舒服 。
Does the discomfort appear to be brought on by anything in particular?Does the chest discomfort, for instance, occur more commonly when you sit in the chair or when you walk?
Er, basically, it appears after a long walk.
呃,通常是在长时间走路后出现 。
When you do have your chest pain, do you notice that it is accompanied by anything else?
I feel a little out of breath, but not every time.
我会感到有点呼吸困难,但并不是每次都这样 。
Does position make any difference to your chest pain?
No, I haven't noticed yet.
我没有注意到 。
You should have further examination.I will ask for more information after the examination.
你应该进行进一步检查 。检查后我再询问更多的信息 。
All right.
好的 。