双语趣听精彩世界(MP3+文本) 第63期:三星手机放在枕头下充电烧焦
日期:2015-03-02 14:42



三星手机 充电燃烧
Yahoo.com: Charging our devices as we sleep feels like a harmless routine. For one young Samsung smartphone owner, however, that habit almost turned heated.

Last week, a 13-year-old North Texas girl plugged her Samsung Galaxy S4 in for its nightly juice-up before hitting the sack, only to be awoken by the smell of something burning hours later.

When she got up and searched around for the source of the stench, she realized that she had wedged her charging phone under her pillow.

And not only was the backside of the pillow scorched, but the phone was fried into an unrecognizable slab of plastic and melted components. The event left the family a bit surprised.

The girl's father said they have a reasonable expectation that the products they buy are going to be safe. He told local media that he suspects the phone overheated, causing the battery to swell and start a fire.

  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • expectationn. 期待,期望
  • swellv. (使)膨胀,(使)鼓起,(使)增长 n. 膨胀,肿
  • meltedadj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过
  • reasonableadj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的
  • harmlessadj. 无害的,无恶意的
  • routinen. 例行公事,常规,无聊 adj. 常规的,例行的,乏
  • galaxyn. 银河,一群显赫之人
  • plasticadj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的 n
  • slabn. 平板,厚的切片 v. 切成厚板,以平板盖上