日期:2024-04-10 09:10


01.Mental health in our life.

现在mental health issues/struggles在我们的生活中越来越普遍。Jenny提到以前这类的内容会受到 stigma(歧视、异样的眼光),不被人理解,甚至被认为是taboo(禁忌)的话题。

Nowadays, mental health issue receives more understanding, acceptance and empathy.


sympathy: 怜悯心。有pity的意思。

empathy: 同理心,更去站在对方的角度去理解对方。表示try to understand others, put yourself in their shoes 站在别人角度理解对方。

02.Common mental health issues/struggles.


depression: 抑郁。可以是clinical illness (临床疾病), or you feel depressed when you see dark outside during the winter. (或者只是冬天里看外面的天很暗,所以觉得很抑郁,形容一种情绪)。

postpartum depression: 产后抑郁。

anxiety: 焦虑。

panic: 惊恐。lose control, chaos, panic attacks 急性焦虑症,惊恐发作。

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder): 创伤后应激障碍, attacked when you're a kid by a person or an animal. 小时候被人或者动物伤到过。haunted by this memory: 形容回忆反复出现,受到过去记忆的困扰。


sad: 难过。

blue/down: feeling down lately 最近很沮丧, down in dumps 沮丧到好像掉在垃圾堆里(更严重)。

anxious vs. nervous: nervous 具体的事情让人紧张,anxious 形容总是很焦虑。

have butterflies in your stomach: 紧张。有nervous的意思, 比如演讲前会很紧张。

mood swings: 情绪转变的很快。big change in mood, 情绪的变动大。

bipolar: 狂躁症,双向障碍,快乐和难过都很明显。

03.Treatment that we can seek.

We can seek help/treatment to help our mental health issues.


talk to family/friends: 可以找家人或者朋友倾诉。

go to see counsellor: 可以找心理咨询师。你可以和咨询师倾诉,他们会给你建议。

go to see therapist (shrink): 可以找心理治疗师。更偏向治疗方面。

psychiatrist: 精神科医生,须医学院毕业,有处方权。

psychologist: 心理学家。

clinical psychologist: 临床心理学家。

