Part 35 Ice Area
第35部分 冰区
1.What is latest ice information?
2.Ice warning. Icebergs located in position 67°34' N, 036°45' E.
2.冰区警报 。67°34' N, 036°45' E位置有冰山 。
3.No ice located in area around Philip channel.
3.菲利普水道没有冰山 。
4.What ice situation is expected in my position?
5.Ice situation is expected to improve in your position.
5.你所在位置的冰,预计会加厚 。
6.Ice situation is expected to deteriorate in your position.
6.你所在位置的冰,预计会变薄 。
7.Ice is expected to break up in your position.
7.你所在位置的冰层预计会破裂 。
8.Ice is expected to open in your position.
8.你所在位置的冰层预计会涨开 。
9.Ice is expected to freeze together in your position.
9.你所在的位置,预计会结冰 。
10.Navigation in area around Vladivostok without icebreaker assistance is only possible for high powered vessels of strong construction.
10.在没有破冰船的帮助下,只有发动机动力非常高的船舶能在海参崴地区航行 。
11.Area around Greenland temporarily closed for navigation.
11.格陵兰岛周围的航线暂时封锁 。
12.Danger of icing in area around fairway.
12.航道区域有结冰的危险 。
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