第17部分 船长命令
1.In dense fog. Keep a sharp lookout and Navigate with caution.
1.雾大,请仔细瞭望,认真驾驶 。
2.Call me when vessel arrives at Dalian.
2.船只驶入大连时请呼叫我 。
3.Call me at any time if in doubt.
3.如发现异常请随时叫我 。
4.Inform me at any time if the bridge needs me.
4.如需要我到驾驶台,请随时叫我 。
5.When on duty, strictly obey night orders.
5.值班时,请严格执行夜航命令 。
6.Cheek gyro and magnetic compasses frequently.
6.请核对陀螺罗经和磁罗经航向 。
7.Alter course to 175° when the distance recorder shows 610'and report to me.
7.计程仪显示610海里时,转向175度,并向我报告 。
8.Don’t determine the position in accordancc with only little radar information.
8.不要用少量雷达数据决定航位 。
9.Test auto pilot once each watch.
9.每班一次检查自动舵 。
10.Never alter course without my instruction unless elose quarters situation imminent.
10.没有我的命令不得改变航向,除非出现紧迫局面 。
11.Take celestial azimuth and find compass error on each watch if the weather is fine.
11.如天气好,每一班测取天体方位求出罗经差 。
12.Use echo sounder frequently when passing over shallow water.
12.通过浅水域时,要经常用回声仪测深 。
13.When passing one fathom bank, check the depth.
13.通过一托浅滩时,探测水深 。
14.Keep a sharp look out for passing vessels and fishing boats, especially boats carrying no lights.
14.警戒国王船只和渔船,特别是无灯的船 。
15.When on watch at night, strictly obey the Maritime Traffic Safety Laws of Japanese Coast.
15.晚上值航行班时,严格遵守日本沿岸海上安全交通法 。
16.Keep good lookout for land later in night; let me know when you sight any land.
16.夜间要小心陆地,看到任何陆地通知我 。
17.Keep a good look out for vessels and fishing boats and do not approach too close to them.
瞭望船只和渔船,切勿过于靠拢 。
18.Read and note the barometer every hour, and keep constant watch on the sea and winds.
18.每小时记录气压计度数,观察海况和风情 。
19.Call me if the fog sets in. Sound regulation whistle; watch the echo sounders and radar at an interval not more than 20 minutes.
19.雾散时叫我,鸣放汽笛,动用测深仪,每次启动雷达间隔不要超过20分钟 。
20.Adjust all clocks at midnight by zone time signal.
20.在午夜用时区信号调准所有时钟 。
21.Orders as usual.
21.命令如常 。
22.Same as above.
22.命令如上 。
23.Same orders as last night.
23.与昨晚命令相同 。
24.General orders arc the same as before.
24.常现命令与前相同 。