第20部分 描述货物的损坏情况
1.Inflammable cargo are in bad condition.
1.易燃货状态不良 。
2.Package of dry cargo is damp.
2.干货包装潮湿了 。
3.Package of corn is mouldy.
3.玉米包装发霉变质 。
4.Package of heavy lifts marked by fresh water.
4.重件的包装被淡水打湿 。
5.Metal of machinery cargo is rusty.
5.机械货物金属生锈 。
6.Bands of steel are missing.
6.钢管丢失 。
7.Bands of steel are broken.
7.钢管断裂 。
8.Labels on transhipment cargo are illegible.
8.转港货标签字迹难认 。
9.Contents of drums unknown.
9.桶内所装货物不明 。
10.Labels on package cargo are false.
10.包装货标签有误 。
11.Weight of bagged cargo unknown.
11.袋装货的重量不明 。
12.Drums deformed.
12.桶变形了 。
13.Cartons with glass crushed.
13.纸盒装的玻璃杯被压碎了 。
14.Bags with starch are not full.
14.淀粉袋不满 。
15.4 containers damaged before loading.
15.4个集装箱在装货前已损坏 。
16.3 containers damaged by heavy seas.
16.3个集装箱被浪打坏 。
17.2 containers are washed overboard.
17.2个集装箱被浪打上岸 。
18.Humidity of quick lime above normal.
18.生石灰的湿度高于正常湿度 。
19.Switch on hold ventilators to exhaust air.
19.打开货舱通风机灌入空气 。
20.Switch off automatic temperature rccordcr
20.关闭自动温度控制器 。
21.Re-plug reefer containers in No. 1 hold.
21.重插1舱冷藏箱电源插头 。
22.Protect deck cargo of wool against sun.
22.防止甲板上羊毛货受曝晒 。