日期:2006-05-19 23:23



Hello! Everyone! 欢迎光临广播学口语,今天我们要谈谈玩得乐趣。玩耍几乎是每一个人的天性。但玩也要玩出一个花样呀。看看我们今天要学习的句子:(1)He can play it by ear and handles everything in order.(2)He is only playing at his job.


"play it by ear" 是一个很重要的短语。最初是说大钢琴家会即兴演凑一段仙乐, 根本不用看乐谱。"play it by ear",就是只用耳朵,不用看乐谱。如果做事儿也摆 脱了乐谱,那么意思就是随机应变。
Andy所以在商业一往无敌,源于他的思维敏捷。He can play it by ear and handles everything in order. No wonder he can succeed in business. (他能随机应变,所以他把一切事物处理的井井有条。怪不得他会在商业上取得成功。) Andy的业绩节节高升。但同事John却屡屡受到批评。这次John又被老板叫进了办公室。 同事们都跟John说:Be careful, and play it by ear .(小心点,


其实大家不用担心。要是John没有两把刷子早就被老板赶回家了。老板之所以这样宠他, Because he is only playing at his job. play his job.是说玩他的工作吗,好像不 是吧。其实是指"应付了事"的意思。He is only playing at his job. play his job 这句话是说"他对工作只是应付了事,不认真"而已。
John is only playing at his job in the company, for he is much more interested in being a racing driver.(John对于公司的工作没有兴趣。他想当一名赛车手)。也 难怪老板要找他谈话呢。
其实John也很不开心,因为他对公司的工作根本就不感兴趣。于是他最终离开了公司。 拎着背包去寻找梦想了。有朋友对他说你这样做太不负责任了,是应付人生。But John said :"I am not playing at it this time; that is my dream of my whole life."(但是John说这次我可以没有应付了事,因为这是我一生的梦想。)


(1)He can play it by ear and handles everything in order.他能随机应变,所以做事井井有条。
(2)He is only playing at his job.他应付了事。
OK! See you!
