Not everyone in Hollywood owes their nice complexion to a dermatologist. Here are some homespun beauty secrets you can steal.
并不是每一位好莱坞明星的美丽肌肤都归功于皮肤护理专家 。以下是一些自制美容秘诀,你可以向他们偷师 。
You Will Need
Extra virgin olive oil
Liquid vitamin C
Bag Balm
Petroleum jelly
Un-petroleum jelly (optional)
Step 1 Exfoliate your skin with a mixture of sugar and extra virgin olive oil. That's how Christie Brinkley stays so youthful; it's like giving yourself a mini microdermabrasion.
1.用糖和特级初榨橄榄油的混合物去角质 。这是克里斯蒂·布林克利保持年轻的秘诀,就好像给自己采用了微晶换肤术一样 。
Jessical Biel adds sugar to her regular cleanser when she wants to slough away dead skin.
杰西卡·贝尔想要去除死皮的时候向日常洁面产品中添加一点糖 。
Step 2 Nourish your skin the way Nicky Hilton does: Massage vitamin C into your face. You can buy it in liquid form in health food stores.
2.像妮基·希尔顿一样滋养肌肤:向面部按摩维他命C 。可以在健康食品商店购买液态维他命C 。
Step 3 Keep your washcloths in the fridge so they're nice and cold when you use them; supermodel Rachel Hunter has said she learned this trick in Japan. It reduces redness and swelling, makes pores appear smaller, gets rid of puffy eyes, and gives your complexion a healthy pink glow.
3.把毛巾放在冰箱里,这样你使用的时候就比较清凉 。超模瑞切尔·亨特说,她是从日本学会这个技巧的,可以消除红肿,让毛孔变小,给眼睛消肿,而且可以让肌肤散发出健康粉红的光彩 。
Step 4 Moisturize like Shania Twain: She finds there's nothing like Bag Balm – an ointment made to soften a cow's udder for milking – to make her complexion silky.
4.跟仙妮亚·唐恩学习保湿技巧:她发现任何东西嫩滑肌肤的功效都不像皮肤香膏那么好 。香膏是一种药膏,用于给奶牛挤奶 。
Step 5 Smooth your skin with honey: TV host and former model Padma Lakshmi washes her face, then slathers on the sticky stuff in the shower.She swears it acts as a smoothening agent. Catherine Zeta-Jones uses honey for the same reason.
5.蜂蜜光滑肌肤:电视节目主持人和前模特帕德玛·拉克希米先洁面,然后淋浴时涂抹厚厚的一层蜂蜜 。她说,蜂蜜的嫩滑效果就像皮肤护理专家 。凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯使用蜂蜜也是出于同样的原因 。
Step 6 Remove your makeup with petroleum jelly; that's how Jennifer Lopez cleans and moisturizes her face at the same time.For an environmentally friendly option, look for plant-based un-petroleum jelly.
6.用凡士林卸妆:珍妮弗·洛佩兹就是用凡士林洁面并保湿的 。如果出于环保的原因,可以选择植物成分而非石油成分的凡士林 。
Sixty-one percent of women polled would most want to swap hair, makeup, and accessory tips with Jennifer Aniston.
61%的受调查女性最希望与珍妮弗·安妮斯顿交换护发,化妆和配饰心得 。
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