Indian Chef and Cookery Book author Manju Malhi shows VideoJug users a quick and easy chicken curry which is perfect when you're in a hurry. Experience our Chicken Curry in Ten Minutes recipe, and make a quick and tasty dish for all to enjoy.
印度的厨师和烹饪书作者Manju Malhi告诉大家,如何在时间不充分的情况下去做一份完美的咖喱鸡 。体验我们的十分钟咖喱鸡配方,并和大家一起品味迅速美味的菜肴 。
At a glance
Serves: 1
Preparation Time: 5 minutes; Cooking Time: 10 minutes; Total Time: 15 minutes.
准备时间5分钟,烹饪时间10分钟,总计15分钟 。
Step 1: You will need
•45 ml olive oil;•1 medium onion; •400 g chicken fillet; •2 cloves of garlic; •1 green chilli
45毫升橄榄油,一只洋葱,400克鸡肉,2瓣蒜,一只青椒 。
•1/4 tsp sal;t •1/4 tsp turmeric; •1/2 tsp ground cumin; •1/4 tsp ground coriander; •1 tsp tomato purée; •1/4 tsp garam masala or 1 tsp curry paste; •30 ml double cream.
1/4茶匙盐,同量的姜末、香菜、印度咖喱;1/2茶匙茴香,1茶匙番茄汁,30毫升高脂奶油 。
•1 Teaspoon; •1 Tablespoon; •1 Chopping board for meat;•1 Chopping board for vegetables;•1 Sharp knife;•1 Non-stick frying pan;•some Plates to hold the ingredients;•1 Wooden spoon.
茶匙,汤勺,砧板,菜板,刀,不粘锅,装材料的盘子,木勺 。
Step 2: Prepare
Finely chop a medium sized onion. Remember- when preparing ingredients, the smaller you chop things, the faster they cook. Chop your ingredients really small, so they'll be ready in no time.
先切洋葱 。记住,烹饪的时候,切块越小炒好的时间越短 。所以要切成小块,这样能够省时间 。
Crush 2 cloves of garlic with the side of a knife. Now peel away the skin, and finely chop.
用刀拍碎蒜瓣,也切成小块 。
Finely chop a green chilli. Unless you want an incredibly hot curry, use the knife to take out as many seeds as you can. Chilli juices can burn your skin so when you've finished, wash your hands.
之后是辣椒,如果不想太辣,可以用刀取出辣椒内的籽 。而且辣椒会产生灼热感,弄完之后要洗手 。
Take the chicken on a fresh chopping board. Chop into small bite-size pieces. Wash your hands after chopping the meat.
把鸡肉切成小块,切完之后洗手 。
Step 3: Fry the onion
Heat a frying pan over a medium heat. Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then add the chopped onion, and fry for 1 minute.
中火,锅热后放入3勺植物油,然后放入切好的洋葱,爆炒一分钟 。
Step 4: Add chicken
Put the chicken in, and continue to fry for 5 to 6 minutes. The chicken will start to cook, and turn entirely white on the outside.
放入鸡肉,然后再翻炒5到6分钟,然后开始焖,直到肉色变白 。
Step 5: Add garlic and chilli
Put the garlic and chilli into the pan, and stir. Carry on frying gently over a medium heat, until everything is golden brown, which will take 2 to 3 minutes. Keep stirring.
放入蒜和辣椒,搅动一番,直到变成金黄色为止 。通常情况下这需要2到3分钟 。
Step 6: Add spices
Put 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin and 1/4 teaspoon of ground coriander in the pan. Stir well.
放入准备好的盐,姜末,茴香,香菜,搅拌均匀 。
Step 7: Add more flavour
Add 1 teaspoon of tomato purée, and 1/4 teaspoon of garam masala or curry paste. Here we're using freshly made garam masala.
放入番茄汁,咖喱酱,这里我们使用的是印度咖喱 。
Stir, and fold 2 generous tablespoons of double cream into the mixture.
搅拌,放入高脂奶油 。
Step 8: Check the chicken
If you're worried about whether the chicken is cooked, take a large piece from the pan, and cut it in half. It should break easily, and be white all the way through, with no trace of pink. It should also be piping hot throughout.
如果不确定是否炒熟了,可以取出一块鸡肉,用刀切开,如果通体白色没有任何粉色,那就证明可以了 。
Step 9: Serve9
Serve hot with freshly cooked basmati rice, or naan bread.Enjoy!
热腾腾的鸡肉汤配上蒸米,或者印度烤饼 。怎能一个爽字了得!
Thanks for watching video How To Cook A Chicken Curry In Ten Minutes
谢谢收看本期“一刻钟烹饪咖喱鸡”节目 。