VideoJug presents this simple yet effective trick for you to perfect and perform. Impress or trick all your friends with the world's best banana trick.
最好玩的香蕉把戏,可以在小朋友中露一手了 。
Step 1: You will need
•A few ripe bananas
•1 long sewing needle
•1 unsuspecting victim
Step 2: Slicing the banana
Find a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted so that you can practice your technique in peace. Start by inserting the needle into one of the spines of the banana, either near the top or bottom of the banana. Push the needle all the way through the fruit until you feel a resistance when it reaches the inside of the skin on the other side. Rest the needle against your thumb, using it as a lever the slice the needle through the flesh of the banana. You will have to vary the depth of the needle so you don't slice through the skin. You will be able feel, and possibly hear, the needle scrape against the inside of the skin. Cut the whole banana into slices in this way, being careful not to stab yourself with the needle.
找一个不被打扰的地方先练习一番 。用针插入香蕉中适当的长度,刚好能把香蕉瓤切成几段又不会捅破香蕉皮,需要特别小心的是,别扎到自己的手 。
Step 3: Serve and enjoy
Select a gullible victim to give your banana to, and ask them to peel it. Some people will be suspicious, so you need to cajole them into a sense of security. Assure them that they will come to no harm by peeling the banana. You are now ready to enjoy the reactions of your victims. Some will be amazed. Others will be totally unimpressed. And beware of those who react with anger and indignation. You could also try cutting the banana in half, rather than many slices, and then see what effect this has. Have fun!
找一个容易上当的人把香蕉给他,然后让他们剥香蕉皮 。有些人可能会起疑心,尽量打消他们的疑虑,并保证不会伤害到他们 。然后你就可以安心欣赏他们的反映了:吃惊,不知所措,不一而足 。要当心那些恼羞成怒的人 。你也可以把香蕉弄成两截,然后看看有什么好玩的,享受吧 。
Thanks for watching video How To Do The World's Best Banana Trick
谢谢收看本期“香蕉恶作剧”节目 。