The days of boring breakfasts are over! These muffins are packed full of dried fruits and oats to keep you going all morning, and are super tasty too. Sarah Spence, baker for Muffin Heaven, shows you how to make them in this quick and simple recipe.
At a glance
Preparation Time:10 minutes
Cooking Time:16 minutes
Total Time:26 minutes
Oven Temperature:190° c - 370° f
words to learn
1. muffin:松糕,小松饼
I always have muffin as my breakfeast.
2. dried vegetable:脱水蔬菜(而不是干的蔬菜)
Dried vegetable are better in reserving.
3. oat :(可数名词)燕麦,麦片粥
Though rich in nutrient, oats are my last choice to my diet.
4. recipe:食谱,烹饪法;处方(医)
It's easy to bake bread by following the recipe.
5. oven:烤箱
The oven had gradually regained its room temperature.