Top UK barista Robert Henry shows you how to make a perfect cappuccino using a domestic coffee machine. Learn how to make a cappuccino the Videojug way, with this helpful video.
英国顶尖的咖啡师罗伯特·亨利将向我们展示如何使用家用咖啡机制作最好的卡布奇诺 。
Step 1: You will need
•An espresso maker
•A coffee cup
•A wide bottomed jug
•Fresh, cold milk
•Ready ground coffee
Step 2: Heat the water
Different models may vary, but make sure you pour enough water into the tank of the machine so that the pump pipes are fully submerged. Turn on the power and the pump to pump water into the boiler. Turn on the boiler to heat the water. The handle that holds the coffee is called the group handle and this should be locked into the machine. The light on the machine will go out when the water is at the correct temperature. Turn off the boiler and press the dosage button to let water flow through the handle for about 10 seconds. This will clean it through and heat it to the same temperature as the water.
不同的咖啡机可能不太一样,但是一定要加入足够多的水,水面最好能没过咖啡机中的橡胶管 。之后打开开关,机器中的小型水泵会把水抽到加热器中,再打开加热器给水加热 。同时把装咖啡的组合手柄固定在咖啡机中 。如果到了适合的温度,机器上的指示灯就会亮起,这时可以关掉加热器,然后摁下剂量按钮,持续十秒钟,让热水从组合手柄中流过,既能起到清洁作用,还能使手柄达到和热水一样的温度 。
Step 3: Add the coffee
Your machine should come with a dosing spoon to measure out the coffee. For a single shot of espresso you will need one spoonful of coffee (7 grams), and for a double shot you will need 2 spoonfuls (14 grams). Put the correct amount in the filter basket and tap it to create a level surface. Use the tamper provided to compact the coffee. This will ensure the water doesn't flow through it too fast.
咖啡机上一般自带的有舀咖啡的勺子,制作一份浓咖啡大约需要满满一勺的咖啡(7克),两份就需要两勺(14克),计算好所需的量之后放在过滤网中,然后使用捣固机压平,以能保证热水从咖啡中流过的速度不会太快 。
Step 4: Filter
Lock the group handle into the machine and put a coffee cup underneath. Turn on the dosage button. The coffee should take 14-18 seconds to filter through for a single espresso and 20-25 seconds for a double, after which you should turn off the dosage button. If it is filtering through too fast, add a bit more coffee and compact it more firmly. If you are grinding your own coffee beans, grind them more finely.
把装了咖啡的过滤网固定好,然后在正下方放一只咖啡杯,摁下剂量按钮 。如果冲制一份咖啡,大约会花费14-18秒钟,如果是两份,则需要花费20-25秒钟,之后关闭剂量按钮 。如果冲制得太快,可以再放入一点咖啡,然后压得更结实些;如果是自己磨咖啡,要磨得精细些 。
Step 5: Steam the milk
Milk can be steamed using the steam arm on your coffee machine. Robert recommends using full fat milk to create plenty of froth. Turn the arm on full for 5 seconds before inserting it into the milk, as this will clean it through. Insert the arm into a jug of milk so that the tip is just below the surface, to ensure you get frothy milk. Turn it back on full and wait a few moments until the sides of the jug are hot enough to be uncomfortable to the touch.
使用咖啡机上自带的蒸汽管来给牛奶加热起沫 。罗伯特的建议是使用全脂牛奶,这样能产生很多的牛奶沫 。在放入牛奶中之前,先打开蒸汽管五秒钟,然后把蒸汽管放在奶壶中,放在牛奶表面以下的位置,这样就能产生最多的气泡 。这个过程持续到壶的表面变得烫手为止 。
Turn off and take the jug away. Wipe the steam arm and turn it on to clean it through once more.
关掉蒸汽,把壶拿走 。擦拭蒸汽管,并再次放气进行清理 。
Step 6: Add the milk
Tap the jug on a work surface to remove any large bubbles. Swirl the milk around to create a dense, smooth foam. Shake the jug as you pour the milk on top of the espresso to make sure the froth comes out. Sprinkle drinking chocolate over the surface.
把奶壶放在桌面上,撇除较大的气泡;摇动奶壶,制造许多小泡泡,然后倒入咖啡中 。最后在表面上撒上一些巧克力碎沫 。
制成 。
Thanks for watching video How To Make A Cappuccino
谢谢收看本期“制作卡布奇诺咖啡”节目 。