食尚生活 美味羊肉丸 给生活加点料
日期:2012-08-15 11:35



This VideoJug film is designed to show you how to make a lamb kofta. Lamb Kofta recipe is a popular dish and is very expensive to make.
So, we are going to show you how to make lamb koftas, really simple to make. You will need a food processor to just to chop the herbs and stuff but a really simple little dish. So, first of all, Flip is going to put the flat leaf coriander and mint into the food processor. We don't remove the stove for at least, from the stokes, for this, we just throw the whole lot in it, very simple, and we have also finely chopped red onion which we're just going to throw in and then we are going to give that a whiz.
Okay, there we go, just to mix, there is up a little bit. So, you could see that by hands, it's just much easier and much quicker but if you did, you just finally chop everything with a knife and then, in here, I have got some finely ground coriander and some cinnamon, and we are going to throw that in as well in with the meat which is the lamb. We have also added some beef to that as we don't have a mint's lamb and have mint's beef, we're just thinking it's an extra richness, and then we are going to mix the whole lot together.
Get your hands in, so, great way to get the kids involved in this, get them mixing and then making it into balls, it's a lovely therapeutic recipe to make and then one, Flip is mixing it all together even, we are going to pop in some pistachios and then we are going to pop in really good pinch of pepper and a really good pinch of salt. So, you can see the taste you are looking for, it's very clean, away from the ball, you don't need an egg at all to bind this and we are going to bind them into little – let's make it into balls. So, we are going to make this about a walnut size and we are just going to roll them into balls and we make them about the size of a walnut.
So, now, we are going to fry them off, we have heated a little bit of light olive oil in the pan, and we are just going to fry them off so they are brown on all sides. Again, don't overcrowd the pan because they won't cook as quick, they will sweat rather than fry off and what we want to do is just to give them a really nice even color. There were nice golden colors all over, just leaving to take again, and then once we've done that, we are going to put them into a roasting tin and we are going to put them in the oven for about 15 minutes.
So, we have been frying them off for couple of minutes so that they are brown, beautifully brown on all sides, really in good color, and we are going to put them into a roasting tin and put them in the oven. The oven's set about 200 degrees for about 10 minutes, the kofta has been cooking for about 10 minutes, and we are now going to serve them. We are serving with some nice warm whole meal pita bread, a nice little mix lettuce and tzaziki which is garlic, finely diced, peeled cucumber, and yogurt, we haven't any mint in the yogurt dressing because we have got plenty of mint in the koftas.
And that's how to make lamb kofta.
Thanks for watching video How To Make Lamb Kofta

  • pinchn. 捏,一撮,少量,困苦,偷窃 vt. 掐,使 ...
  • lettucen. 莴苣,生菜,纸币
  • flipvt. 掷,弹,轻击 vi. 翻转 n. 空翻,浏览 a
  • stoven. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室
  • tinn. 罐头,锡,听头 adj. 锡制的 vt. 镀锡于
  • lambn. 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉,温顺的人 v. 产羊羔
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方
  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距