This vanilla ice cream recipe makes the creamiest and tastiest vanilla ice cream you will ever eat. Experience our Easy Vanilla Ice Cream recipe.
按照视频中的方法来制作可口的香草冰激凌吧,自己动手,味道会更鲜美 。
At a glance
Serves: makes 1/2 a litre
Preparation Time: 5 hours; Total Time: 5 hours
Step 1: You will need
•100 g caster sugar; •4 egg yolks
•300 ml milk; •300 ml double cream
•2 vanilla pods; •1 ice cream maker
•1 heavy based pan; •1 whisk
•1 chopping board; •1 knife
•1 large bowl; •1 Tupperware for storing
Step 2: Heat the milk
Place the pan on a medium heat, add the milk and bring it to just under boiling point. Do not allow to over heat or it will spoil the sauce later on.
放好平底锅,中火,把温度控制在牛奶即将沸腾的温度,但不是真的沸腾,否则牛奶溢出,会影响后面的制作过程 。
Step 3: Whisk sugar and eggs
Place a damp towel on your work surface and put the bowl on top. Add the sugar and egg yolks and whisk together until thoroughly combined.
在案板上放一条湿毛巾,放一只碗在上面,然后放入鸡蛋黄和白糖并搅拌,直到白糖完全溶解蛋黄成糊状 。
Step 4: Add milk and transfer to pan
When the milk has heated up pour it, little by little into the bowl of eggs and sugar, whisking all the time and transfer back to the pan.
把一直加热的牛奶倒入盛蛋黄的碗中,一边倒牛奶一边搅拌,然后将有所的汤汁倒回锅里 。
Step 5: Heat and transfer
Place the pan back onto a medium heat and while continuously stirring, gently allow it to thicken, which should take about 3-5 minutes. Once thickened pour it back into the large bowl and set aside to cool down.
把平底锅重新放回炤上,中火熬制,熬上3-5分钟使锅中的汤变浓,然后倒入大碗中,最后将平底锅放在一边进行冷却 。
Step 6: Combine vanilla and cream
Place both vanilla pods onto the chopping board and slice one lengthways. Split the pod open, scrape out the pulp onto the tip of your knife and transfer it to the bowl of cream. Repeat exactly the same process with the other pod. Next pour the cream and pulp into a large bowl and whisk to combine.
将香草荚逐个放在菜板上,切成长条,再用刀尖取出果肉,放入大碗中 。之后将奶油和香草果浆搅拌均匀 。
Step 7: Make the ice cream
Pour the mix into the ice cream maker and switch on the machine. Churn for roughly 20 minutes
把均匀搅拌后的原料放到冰激凌机中,搅拌20分钟左右 。
Step 8: Freeze
After churning transfer the ice cream into some Tupperware. Place it the freezer until it sets.
搅拌之后把冰激凌盛到保鲜盒中,然后放进冰箱,直至完全成型 。
Step 9: Serve
Scoop some ice-cream into a serving bowl, garnish with a hint of greenery and serve.
把冰激凌舀进碗里,然后放上些许绿色的装饰菜,就可以享用了 。
Thanks for watching video How To Make Easy Vanilla Ice Cream
谢谢收看本期“制作香草冰激凌”节目 。