日期:2011-08-31 10:13


Rogue Trader 魔鬼营业员
Part Eight:(场景八)


And that's it, more or less. That's the end of my story.
Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING
for the princely sum of 1 pound.
Lisa's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic.
I hear she's got herself a new fella.
As for me, I fought unsuccessfully against extradition
from Frankfurt to Singapore on charges of fraud,
forgery and breach of trust.
I was sentenced to six and a half years in prison.
Despite rumours of secret bank accounts and hidden millions,
I did not profit personally from my unlawful trading.
To be absolutely honest, sometimes I wish I had.

And that's it, more or less. That's the end of my story.

Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING
for the princely sum of 1 pound.
Lisa's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic.
I hear she's got herself a new fella.

As for me, I fought unsuccessfully against extradition
from Frankfurt to Singapore on charges of fraud,
forgery and breach of trust.
I was sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Despite rumours of secret bank accounts and hidden millions,
I did not profit personally from my unlawful trading.
To be absolutely honest, sometimes I wish I had.

Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING
for the princely sum of 1 pound.
International Netherlands Group 荷兰国际集团
princely 高贵的,王子的,豪华的 / 慷慨的
Lisa's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic.
get a new life 开始新生活
Virgin Atlantic 维珍大西洋航空公司
As for me, I fought unsuccessfully against extradition
from Frankfurt to Singapore on charges of fraud,
forgery and breach of trust.
as for 至于,就...方面说来
As for you, I refuse to have any dealings with you.
extradition 引渡
on charges of 被指控
He was jailed on charges of bribery.
fraud, forgery and breach of trust
fraud 欺诈,诈骗
forgery 伪造
breach of trust 背信,背约
I did not profit personally from my unlawful trading.
profit 得益,获利
I have profited from your advice.

And that's it, more or less. That's the end of my story.
Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING
for the princely sum of 1 pound.
Lisa's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic.
I hear she's got herself a new fella.
As for me, I fought unsuccessfully against extradition
from Frankfurt to Singapore
on charges of fraud, forgery and breach of trust.
I was sentenced to six and a half years in prison.
Despite rumours of secret bank accounts and hidden millions,
I did not profit personally from my unlawful trading.
To be absolutely honest, sometimes I wish I had.

  • roguen. 流氓;小淘气;凶猛的离群兽;(尤指植物的)劣种 v
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • breachn. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂 vt. 违反
  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.
  • forgeryn. 伪造,伪造罪,伪造物
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的
  • fraudn. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • extraditionn. 引渡;亡命者送还本国
  • attendantadj. 伴随的 n. 服务员,侍从,伴随物,出席者