日期:2011-08-15 09:52


计划赶不上变化,这时,Kate的生命中出现了两个计划外的人,这使得她的生活完全被打乱:因意外事故去世的姐姐,把自己九岁的女儿Zoe交给Kate照顾,女强人Kate对于小女孩却显得束手无策;另外,餐馆里来了一个名叫Nick的新厨师,他乐天活泼的工作方式和Kate的军事化管理格格不入。今天我们听到的这段对话,就是Nick 找Kate搭讪,而Kate却认为他的存在对自己是一种威胁,两人不欢而散。

Part Two:(场景二)
Can I ask you something?
Do I have a choice?
Where did you learn to cook so well?
My mother.
Seriously? I thought you were gonna say you studied......
under Alain Passard at L'Arpege or something.
I did. But my mom was better, and she didn't throw plates at me.
Oh, God. I need more space.
Why are you so mad at me?
I'm not mad at you.
You're very mad.
Look, this is my kitchen. I've worked really hard to get here......
and I'm not gonna let you take it away from me.
What makes you think I wanna take it away from you?
What else could you possibly want?
Can I ask you something?
Do I have a choice?
Where did you learn to cook so well?
My mother.
Seriously? I thought you were gonna say you studied......
under Alain Passard at L'Arpege or something.
I did. But my mom was better, and she didn't throw plates at me.
Oh, God. I need more space.
Why are you so mad at me?
I'm not mad at you.
You're very mad.
Look, this is my kitchen. I've worked really hard to get here......
and I'm not gonna let you take it away from me.
What makes you think I wanna take it away from you?
What else could you possibly want?

Do I have a choice?
I thought you were gonna say you studied......
under Alain Passard at L'Arpege or something.
I thought you were gonna say you studied......
under Alain Passard at L'Arpege or something.
Why are you so mad at me?
be mad at somebody
be angry with somebody
Why are you so mad at me?
---It's just that you forgot my birthday.
What makes you think I wanna take it away from you?
What makes you think...
What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion?
take something away from somebody
I did my best to afford these things,
and no one is going to take them away from me!

Can I ask you something?
Do I have a choice?
Where did you learn to cook so well?
My mother.
Seriously? I thought you were gonna say you studied......
under Alain Passard at L'Arpege or something.
I did. But my mom was better, and she didn't throw plates at me.
Oh, God. I need more space.
Why are you so mad at me?
I'm not mad at you.
You're very mad.
Look, this is my kitchen. I've worked really hard to get here......
and I'm not gonna let you take it away from me.
What makes you think I wanna take it away from you?
What else could you possibly want?
