日期:2011-08-30 09:47


Rogue Trader 魔鬼营业员
Part Seven:(场景六)

Nick每天做着欺上瞒下的事情,过着提心吊胆的生活,而他在一些近乎赌博的交易中,尽管也有赚钱的时候,但赔钱的时候更多,记入88888帐户的错误也更多了。然而具有讽刺意味的是在巴林银行破产的两个月前, Nick在纽约举行的一个巴林金融成果会议上,被250名在世界各地的巴林银行工作者当成英雄来膜拜。

Being good is not good enough!
Everyone must be connected to our strategy,
or we will find you and weed you out!
Information arbitrage is our business.
If you don't know what an information curve is, then find out!
Position yourself in an information curve. Dominate the curve!
Nick Leeson, who most of you know and all of you have heard of,
runs our operation in Singapore,
which I want all of you to try to emulate.
Now, you'll hear later from Nick about how he does it,
but I just want to drive home to you guys
that if you could all think about Nick
and perhaps come up with ideas to follow his footsteps,
Barings will become one of the most successful operations
in the derivatives business.

Being good is not good enough!
Everyone must be connected to our strategy,
or we will find you and weed you out!

Information arbitrage is our business.
If you don't know what an information curve is, then find out!

Position yourself in an information curve. Dominate the curve!
Nick Leeson, who most of you know and all of you have heard of,
runs our operation in Singapore,
which I want all of you to try to emulate.
你们中的大多数人都听说过Nick Leeson,

Now, you'll hear later from Nick about how he does it,
but I just want to drive home to you guys
that if you could all think about Nick
and perhaps come up with ideas to follow his footsteps,
Barings will become one of the most successful operations
in the derivatives business.

Everyone must be connected to our strategy,
or we will find you and weed you out!
be connected to 和...连在一起
weed 除去杂草
weed out 清除,淘汰
Most applicants get weeded out before the interview.
Information arbitrage is our business.
arbitrage 套利,套汇
information arbitrage 情报套利,信息套利
but I just want to drive home to you guys
that if you could all think about Nick.
drive home
You must drive home to Jack where the present difficulties lie.
Perhaps come up with ideas to follow his footsteps.
come up with 想出计划,提供答案
He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer.
come up with an idea 提出想法,拿出创意
Dave's come up with an idea and he wants us to try it out.
follow one's footsteps
He wants to follow his father's footsteps to be a lawyer.

Being good is not good enough!
Everyone must be connected to our strategy,
or we will find you and weed you out!
Information arbitrage is our business.
If you don't know what an information curve is, then find out!
Position yourself in an information curve. Dominate the curve!
Nick Leeson, who most of you know and all of you have heard of,
runs our operation in Singapore,
which I want all of you to try to emulate.
Now, you'll hear later from Nick about how he does it,
but I just want to drive home to you guys
that if you could all think about Nick
and perhaps come up with ideas to follow his footsteps,
Barings will become one of the most successful operations
in the derivatives business.

  • dominatev. 支配,占优势,俯视
  • curven. 曲线,弯曲,弧线,弯曲物 vt. 使...弯
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用
  • roguen. 流氓;小淘气;凶猛的离群兽;(尤指植物的)劣种 v
  • emulatevt. 效法,尽力赶上,仿真 [计算机] 仿真