日期:2011-08-19 10:14


Part Seven:(场景七)
通过心理医生的开导,Kate终于明白:没有可以参考的标准版人生食谱,惟有自己创造的才是最适合自己的生命食谱。她终于放下所谓的面子和原则,主动挽留Nick。于是,在纽约的某个街角,出现了一家门庭若市的新餐厅,Kate,Nick&Zoe’s Bistro,这是那个的美丽早晨,一家三口合作早餐时,约定的那个温馨的名字。到这里,影片也终于有了个Happy Ending。

I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know?
With the recipes telling us exactly what to do.
I know. I know. You're gonna say, "How else can we learn, Kate?"
No. Actually, I wasn't gonna say that. You wanna guess again?
Oh, no, go ahead.
What I was gonna say was you know better than anyone.
It's the recipes you create yourself that are the best.
Hold on just a second.
I think you should know there's something else I never do.
What's that?
I never invite myself into a man's apartment, blindfold him......
and feed him saffron sauce
while begging him not to go to San Francisco.
You never do that?
That's too bad.

I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know?
With the recipes telling us exactly what to do.
I know. I know. You're gonna say, "How else can we learn, Kate?"
No. Actually, I wasn't gonna say that. You wanna guess again?
Oh, no, go ahead.
What I was gonna say was you know better than anyone.
It's the recipes you create yourself that are the best.
Hold on just a second.
I think you should know there's something else I never do.
What's that?
I never invite myself into a man's apartment, blindfold him......
and feed him saffron sauce
while begging him not to go to San Francisco.
You never do that?
That's too bad.

How else can we learn, Kate?
how else
in what other way
How else can the doctor save him?
Hold on just a second.
hold on a second
wait a second, hold on a moment
It's the recipes you create yourself that are the best.
I never invite myself into a man's apartment, blindfold him......
and feed him saffron sauce
while begging him not to go to San Francisco.
I never invite myself into a man's apartment, blindfold him......
and feed him saffron sauce
while begging him not to go to San Francisco.
invite oneself 不请自到,不请自来
This evening, I invited myself over for dinner at the Smith's.
blindfold 眼罩
They blindfolded his eyes for a week after the operation.
beg somebody not to do something
The boy begged me not to tell his parents.

I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know?
With the recipes telling us exactly what to do.
I know. I know. You're gonna say, "How else can we learn, Kate?"
No. Actually, I wasn't gonna say that. You wanna guess again?
Oh, no, go ahead.
What I was gonna say was you know better than anyone.
It's the recipes you create yourself that are the best.
Hold on just a second.
I think you should know there's something else I never do.
What's that?
I never invite myself into a man's apartment, blindfold him......
and feed him saffron sauce
while begging him not to go to San Francisco.
You never do that?
That's too bad.
