第942期:“我属龙”别说成“I am the dragon”
日期:2024-02-23 09:10


New Year's greetings/New Year's blessings: 新年祝福语、拜年语

Chinese New Year (CNY): 中国新年

Lunar New Year: 农历新年

Spring Festival: 春节

Chinese New Year is just around the corner: 中国新年马上要到了

Chinese zodiac: 十二生肖 (星座也叫zodiac,所以中国生肖会加"Chinese"来区别。也可称为Chinese zodiac animals)


Chinese animal year: 生肖年

What’s the Chinese animal year next year? 明年是什么生肖年?

What's your Chinese zodiac animal? 你的生肖是什么?



The year of the+生肖

The Year of the dragon: 龙年

Next year is the year of the dragon: 明年是龙年

The year of the dragon is my animal year. /It's my Chinese zodiac year: 龙年是我的本命年

I was born in the year of the dragon: 我是龙年生的

Last year was the year of the rabbit: 去年是兔年

不过,口语里也可以省略第一个the, 说“year of the dragon“

“我属龙”可不是“I am the dragon”

但是,说到个人生肖,可不能用the。比如你属龙,千万别说"I'm the dragon"


I'm a dragon: 我属龙


Jenny is a dog. Jason is a pig: Jenny属狗、Jason属猪


Dragon symbolizes power, majesty and dominance: 龙象征着权威、华贵和强大


Most of the greetings are Chinese idioms: 接着要分享的大部分拜年语都是成语

However, a lot of the beauty in these idioms is inevitably lost in translation: 但是很可惜,成语翻译成英语,不免会缺失一些美

Word for word translations don’t work or very rarely work: 大部分情况下,逐字字面翻译行不通

接下来的这些龙年拜年语,Jenny和Jason每一条1)先列出字面翻译 2)随后附上符合英语表达习惯的祝福语。您可以直接送出!

龙马精神: "Vigor and Vitality Like a Dragon and Horse"

Vigor: 活力、精神

Vitality: 生命力


Wishing you the spirit of the dragon and the vigor of the stallion: 祝您龙马精神!

Stallion: 骏马、雄马(比horse更好听、也更霸气)

龙腾虎跃: "Dragon Soars and Tiger Leaps"

Soar: 翱翔

Leap: 跳跃、飞跃


Wishing you make magnificent leaps like the dragon and remarkable bounds like the tiger: 祝您龙腾虎跃!

Magnificent: 壮观的、客观的

Remarkable: 卓越的、杰出的

龙腾四海: "Dragon Soars Across the Four Seas"



May you soar above great oceans and faraway seas like a dragon: 祝您龙腾四海!


龙凤呈祥: "Harmony and Happiness Between the Dragon and Phoenix"

Harmony: 和谐


Wishing you all the bliss and harmony in your marriage like the perfect union between the dragon and phoenix:龙年龙凤呈祥!

这里用了bliss取代happiness, 因为bliss更确切地指夫妻、家庭的幸福

鱼跃龙门: “A Carp Leaping Over the Dragon Gate"

Carp: 鲤鱼


May you conquer every obstacle, overcome every setback and achieve remarkable transformation: 祝您鱼跃龙门!

Conquer: 征服

Overcome: 克服

Obstacles: 阻碍、障碍

Setback: 挫折

Transformation: 蜕变


May the Year of the Dragon bring you great luck and success in all your endeavors, bliss in your family and good health for you and all your loved ones!

