美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第15期:世界的内部(3)
日期:2015-03-16 10:33


So we know that the distance through must be about eight thousand miles, as twenty-five is a little more than three times eight. That is not geography; if s arithmetic. If you want to use big words for “around” and “through,” as they do in geographies, you must say “circumference” for “around” and “diameter” for “through” 一which mean the same thing: the circumference of the World is twenty-five thousand and the diameter is eight thousand.

The outside of the World is a crust of rock like the skin of a baked potato over the hot inside. Some of the crust that you go through first is in layers, like layers in a jelly- cake, one layer after another, only these rock layers look as if they were made of sand and shells, or coal or little stones, and that's what they ore made of. If you could cut the World in half as if it were an apple, it might look something like the picture on the next page. We call it a “Cross Section.”
Between some of the layers of rock there is coal like jelly in a jelly-cake and in other places there are gold and silver and diamonds and rubies, and in some of the rock there are pools of oil. That's why men dig wells down through these layers of rock to get oil, and that's why men dig mines to get coal and gold.And still farther down the rock is not in layers—it is just solid rock; and still farther down it gets hotter and hotter where the world has not cooled off even yet, until the rock is no longer solid, but melted.
Whenever you see a chimney you know there is a furnace beneath it, and when smoke and fire come out of its top you know there is a fire in the furnace. Well, there are many places on the World where fire and smoke come out of the ground as if through a chimney from a fiery furnace. These places are called volcanoes. Why was the World made of rock instead of brass or glass or china? Why is the World shaped like a ball and not like a box, a roller, or an old shoe?
