美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第12期:世界是圆的 我围着它绕了一圈(4)
日期:2015-03-05 10:14


But the world kept getting cooler and cooler until at last the steam turned to water and fell on the world—rain, rain, rain, until there perhaps was one big ocean covering the whole world.
But the World still kept on cooling and cooling, and as it cooled it shrank and shriveled and wrinkled and crinkled and puckered like the outside of a prune. You know a prune was once smooth and round when it was a plum. These little wrinkles and crinkles rose up out of the ocean and were the continents and mountains, so you see how big the wrinkles and crinkles really are. The earth is still wrinkling a bit even now, and when it does so it shivers and shakes and we say there has been an earthquake. But the earthquakes nowadays are as nothing to what may have been the tremendous shudder when the continents rose out of the first single ocean. The thunderous roar of that quake may have reached the stars with a stupendous and appalling boom of a bursting, cracking, rending, groaning World, as if the last day had come. Don't you know what stupendous and appalling boom means? Why, it means “stupendous and appalling boom.” But that’ s all guess—for the continents may have risen out of the sea as softly, slowly,silently as a blade of grass grows out of the ground. No one knows.We only know the continents did rise out of the water—we can find seashells on the tops of high mountains, and we know they could only have been made under the water when the mountain was under the water.
