【今日基础词】 Knowledge
Once upon a time there was a small island on which lived Happy, Sad, Knowledge and Love.
One day, feeling that the island was about to sink, they were ready to ship, leaving the island. Only Love to stay, she wanted to hold on until the last minute. After a few days, the small island really began to sink, and Love would like to be helped.
At this time, Rich, riding on a ship, passed by. Love said, “Rich, can you take me away?” Rich replied, “No, many of the treasures of gold and silver are on board. There isn't your position.”
Sad came over. Love asked for help, “Sad, let me go with you!” “Oh. Love, I am too sad, and I want to stay for a while alone!” replied Sad.
Happy passed, but she was too happy, and did not hear Love!
All of a sudden, a voice came, “Come! Love, I take you away.” This is from an elderly person.
More than happy, Love forgot to ask his name. On land, the elderly walked away alone. Love asked Knowledge of an elderly person, “Who is helping me?” “He is the time.” replied the elderly Knowledge. “Time?” Love asked, “Why does he help me?” Knowledge of the elderly smiled, “Only time will understand how great love is.”
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knowledge n. ① 知识 ②了解
例:She has a detailed knowledge of this period.
搭配:to one’s knowledge 据某人所知:
To my knowledge, they get on well with each other.
come to one’s knowledge 被某人知道,被某人获悉:
It has come to our knowledge that you have been taking time off without permission.
拓展:knowledgeable a. 知识渊博的,有见识的
如:I do not respect him because he is knowledgeable.