日期:2017-10-30 08:29



Hi, Sian here for BBC Learning English. In this Masterclass, we're going to look at something British people love doing: being polite.
嗨,我是 BBC 学英文的 Sian。在这次的高级英文班中,我们要来看一件英国人很爱做的事:有礼貌。
Being Polite: How to Soften Your English
"No, I'm not coming to your party this evening."
"Wow, this food is disgusting!"
"Give me some of your lunch."
Now, sometimes it's okay to be direct or even blunt with your friends, but it's important not to sound rude, particularly in the workplace. We're gonna look at four ways you can soften your language to make you more polite.

Requests, Suggestions, and Questions
Okay, listen to these two requests—which one sounds more polite and less direct, and why? Number one: "Pick me up on your way to the party this evening." Or number two: "I was hoping you could give me a lift to the party." Now, number two is much more polite.
We soften requests and suggestions and questions by using past forms, continuous forms, or both. For example, "I was wondering if you could give me a lift later." We can also make requests softer by using a negative question with a question tag. So, "You couldn't give me a lift later, could you?" or "I don't suppose you could pick me up tonight, could you?"
Giving Opinions


Okay, listen to these two opinions—which do you think sounds less direct and more polite? Number one: "You're too young to get married." Or number two: "I reckon you're a little young to be getting married." Yeah, the second one is much less direct. It's softer.
We use verbs like "reckon," "guess," "feel" to make your opinions less direct. You can also use vague expressions like "sort of," "kind of," "a little bit." It also helps if you make it into a question: "Aren't you kind of young to be getting married?"
我们会用像 reckon(觉得)、guess(猜想)、feel(感觉)这些动词来让自己的意见不那么直接。你也可以运用一些模稜两可的说法,象是 sort of(有几分)、kind of(稍微)、a little bit(有一点)。改成问句也有帮助:「你要结婚不会有点太年轻了吗?」
Discussing Problems
Okay. Now listen to these two problems—which one sounds less direct?The first one: "You've made a mistake in this report." Or the second one:"You seem to have made a mistake here." Yes. The second one was softer, less direct.
We introduce problems with verbs like "seem" and "appear" to soften them. So, "You appear to have saved over all my documents." You could also use these to introduce your own problems. So, "I seem to have lost those reports you wanted."
我们会用像 seem(好像)和 appear(似乎)这些动词来委婉点出问题。那么,「你似乎存档盖过我所有的文件了。」你也可以用这些来点出自己的问题。「我好像弄丢了你要的那些报告。」
Saying No!
Now, listen to these two ways of refusing an invitation—which one sounds less direct? Number one: "No, I'm not coming to your party this evening."Or number two: "I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to your party this evening." Okay, again, the second one was much softer, less direct.
We find it really hard to say no, so instead, we use tentative language to soften it. So, "I'm not sure I'll make it to your party," or "It's looking unlikely I'll be able to come this evening." This basically means "I'm not coming."
Now, to find out more about avoiding being too direct and to practice not being rude, I was hoping you would check out our website: bbclearningenglish.com. See you soon! Goodbye!

  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • invitationn. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • tentativeadj. 试验性质的,暂时的,犹豫不决的
  • vagueadj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的
  • softenv. (使)变柔和,(使)软化
  • bluntadj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的 v. 使迟钝,变钝
  • continuousadj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的
  • unlikelyadj. 不太可能的